Teacher Education | School of Education & Counseling Psychology | Santa Clara University

Teacher Education



Submissions from 2023


The Glen Project: A Transformational Ecology Model of School-based Universal Mental Health Development, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain)

Submissions from 2022


Critical Transformation: A Conceptual Framework for Examining the Impact of UCCE Programs on Latinx Catholic School Teachers, Antonio Felix, John Beltramo, Lisa Archuleta, Marie Rodrigues, and Mariajose Gomez


Mathematics Anxiety: Identity Work in a Gifted Prospective Elementary Teacher’s Mathematics-related Personal Narratives, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


The Power of Mothers and Teachers Engaging in a Mathematics Bilingual Collaboration, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, Fany Salazar, and Marta Civil


Teaching Preservice Teachers in the Time of COVID: What’s Worth Keeping?, Kathy Liu Sun, Jennifer L. Ruef, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Madeline Ahearn

Submissions from 2021


Spanish English Literacy: Critical Pedagogy, Positive Coping and Transformative Self-Identity, Sara Soledad Garcia


Elementary prospective teachers’ visions of moving beyond mathematics anxiety, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr and Amy M. Olson

Submissions from 2020


Grappling with ‘bigger questions’ of teaching: Engaging in critical reflection through participation in cogenerative dialogues, John L. Beltramo


From approximations of practice to transformative possibilities: Using Theatre of the Oppressed as rehearsals for facilitating critical teacher education, John L. Beltramo, Jamy Stillman, and Kathryn Struthers Ahmed


Providing opportunities for teacher candidates to understand power, privilege, and oppression, Belinda Edwards and Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


The Ethical Prerogative: Teacher as Social Agent Confronting the Pandemic, Sara Soledad Garcia

Estudio de factibilidad y modelo de implementación de un programa de química ambiental en una IES colombiana, Liliana Caycedo Lozano, Diana Marcela Trujillo Suárez, and Sara Soledad Garcia


Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Conceptualizations of Equity, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Anthony Fernandes

Submissions from 2019


From research to practice: Reading "struggle stories" boosts children's beliefs about own math ability, Charlotte Christensen, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Amy M. Olson


Learning with and from immigrant mothers: implications for adult numeracy, Marta Civil, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Fany Salazar


Experiencing Poverty in an Online Simulation: Effects on Players’ Beliefs, Attitudes and Behaviors about Poverty, Pedro Hernandez-Ramos, Christine M. Bachen, Chad Raphael, John Ifcher, and Michael Broghammer


From numbers to narratives: Preservice teachers experiences’ with mathematics anxiety and mathematics teaching anxiety, Amy M. Olson and Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


‘You guys are bilingual aren’t you?’ Latinx educational leadership pathways in the New Latinx Diaspora, Katherine Rodela, Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, and Alison Cochrun


“I Don’t Get It. I Need Help”: Emergent Bilinguals Seeking and Receiving Help From Peers in Language Arts, Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica


From the ground up: cultivating teacher educator knowledge from the situated knowledges of emerging, asset-oriented teacher educators, Jamy Stillman, Kathryn Struthers Ahmed, John L. Beltramo, Erika Catañeda-Flores, Veronica G. Garza, and Michelle Pyo


Exploring Freirean Culture Circles and Boalian Theatre as Pedagogies for Preparing Asset-Oriented Teacher Educators, Jamy Stillman and John L. Beltramo


Moments of mathematics anxiety in the elementary classroom, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


Conversations between Preservice Teachers and Latina Mothers: An Avenue to Transformative Mathematics Teaching, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr and Marta Civil


A study of early career teachers’ understandings andpractices related to language during mathematics instruction, Erin E. Turner, Amy Roth McDuffie, Amanda T. Sugimoto, Julia Aguirre, Tonya Gau Bartell, Corey Drake, Mary Foote, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Angela Witters

Submissions from 2018


Developing Mutual Accountability between Teachers and Students through Participation in Cogenerative Dialogues, John L. Beltramo


Advancing a Transactional Ecology Model of School-Based Positive Youth Development Programs for Children, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain)


From English learner to Spanish learner: raciolinguistic beliefs that influence heritage Spanish speaking teacher candidates, Allison Briceño, Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, and Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz


Gutierrez y Muhs, Gabriella, ed. Word Images New Perspectives on Canícula and Other Works by Norma Elia Cantú, Sara Soledad Garcia


Instructional Supports: Facilitating or Constraining Emergent Bilinguals’ Production of Oral Explanations?, Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica


Sentence Stems That Support Reading Comprehension, Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica and Allison Briceño


Final Report on the Sanger-Firebaugh Long-Term English Learner Project, Karen Thompson and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica

Submissions from 2017


¡Con Ganas! Fostering Latina Students’ Active Participation in Science Classrooms through Their Involvement in Cogenerative Dialogues, John L. Beltramo


Developing adaptive teaching practices through participation in cogenerative dialogues, John L. Beltramo


Una contribución a la interpretación sistémica de lo ambiental, a partir de la formación en química basada en la ética de sostenibilidad / An environmental contribution to a systemic interpretation of epistemological development in chemistry based on the ethics of sustainability, Sara Soledad Garcia, Liliana Caicedo Lozano, and Diana Marcela Trujillo Suárez


From Test Scores to Language Use: Emergent Bilinguals Using English to Accomplish Academic Tasks, Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica


Mathematics anxiety: One size does not fit all, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


Stories and Statistics: A Mixed Picture of Gender Equity in Mathematics, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, Kathy Carter, and Amanda Sugimoto


Tessellation art, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr and Janet M. Liston


Teaching “in their best interest”: Preservice teachers' narratives regarding English Learners, Amanda T. Sugimoto, Kathy Carter, and Kathleen Jablon Stoehr

A case study of dilemmas encountered when connecting middle school mathematics instruction to relevant real world examples, Amanda T. Sugimoto, Erin E. Turner, and Kathleen Jablon Stoehr

Submissions from 2016


How do presence, flow, and character identification affect players’ empathy and interest in learning from a serious computer game?, Christine Bachen, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos, Chad Raphael, and Amanda Waldron


A case of teacher-assistant principals in Catholic schools: Spanning the boundary between administration and faculty through re-emergent practices in teacher leadership, John L. Beltramo


Curiosité: Inquiry-based instruction and bilingual learning, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain) and Heidi A. Smith


Transformative Professional Development and the Promotion of Literacy Through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Sara Soledad Garcia and Christina F. Garcia


La Responsabilidad Social, un Componente Esencial de la Formación en un Programa de Química Ambiental, Liliana Caycedo Lozano, Diana Marcela Trujillo Suárez, and Sara Soledad Garcia


In-service teachers narrative experiences of mathematics anxiety, Bernardita Peñafiel, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Salomé Martínez


Learning to leverage students’ multiple mathematical knowledge bases in mathematics instruction, Eric E. Turner, Mary Q. Foote, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, Amy Roth McDuffie, Julia Maria Aguirre, Tonya Gau Bartell, Corey Drake, Tonya Gau Bartell, and Corey Drake


Creating inequalities from real-world experiences, Eric Turner, Amanda T. Sugimoto, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, and Erica Kurz


Early career elementary teachers’ practices & perceptions related to language & language learners, Erin Elizabeth Turner, Amy Roth McDuffie, Amanda Tori Sugimoto, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, Angela Witters, Julia Aguirre, Tonya Bartell, Corey Drake, and Mary Q. Foote

Submissions from 2015


Civic play and civic gaps: Can life simulation games advance educational equity?, Christine Bachen, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos, Chad Raphael, and Amanda Waldron


Why Should Students Want to Do a Close Reading?, John L. Beltramo and Jamy Stillman


The bridge project: Connecting home, school, and community for Mexican immigrant youth, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain)


The Bridge Project: Connecting home, school and the community, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain)


Spanish Language, Cultural Knowledge and Teachers’ Professional Development in an English-Only Environment, Sara Soledad Garcia


Building the wall brick by brick: One woman prospective teacher's experiences with mathematics anxiety, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


Further exploration of the classroom video analysis (CVA) instrument as a measure of usable knowledge for teaching mathematics: taking a knowledge system perspective, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


Can I teach mathematics? A study of preservice teachers’ self-efficacy and mathematics anxiety, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr and Amy M. Olson


One teacher’s understandings and practices for real-world connections in mathematics, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr, Erin Turner, and Amanda Tori Sugimoto

Submissions from 2014


The Experiences of Teacher-Assistant Principals in Catholic Elementary Schools: Boundary Spanners and Player Managers, J. Luciano Beltramo


Participatory Action and Drought as a Symbolic Context: The Case of Aldama Chihuahua, Mexico, Sara Soledad Garcia

Transnational Identity Through Corridos: The Rio Bravo as Contextual Space in the United States-Mexico Border, Sara Soledad Garcia

Submissions from 2013


Globalization standards: A comparison of U.S. and non-U.S. social studies curricula, John L. Beltramo and Julia C. Duncheon

Technology-enhanced project-based learning: Effects on historical thinking, Susan De La Paz and Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos


Classroom Qualities for English Language Learners in Language Arts Instruction: Technical Report, Claude Goldenberg, Rhoda Coleman, Leslie Reese, and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica


Mathematical misconceptions of a different kind: Women preservice teachers’ working theories of mathematics teaching, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr and Kathy Carter

Submissions from 2012


Simulating REAL LIVES: Promoting global empathy and interest in learning through simulation games, Christine Bachen, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos, and Chad Raphael


The Effect of Inquiry Learning on the Academic Achievement and Bilingual Verbal Cognition of Young Bilingual Students, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain) and Heidi A. Smith


Flow and cooperative learning in civic game play, Chad Raphael, Christine Bachen, and Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos


Positive turning points for girls in mathematics classrooms: Do they stand the test of time?, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr and Kathy Carter

Submissions from 2011


What's the Story? A Study of novice teachers' narrative understandings of classroom events, Kathy Carter and Kathleen Jablon Stoehr


Girls vs. boys in mathematics: Test scores provide one interpretation girls narratives suggest a different story, Kathleen Jablon Stoehr

Submissions from 2010


Transactional literature circles and the reading comprehension of at-risk English learners in the mainstream classroom, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain)


Delgadina: From Romance to Corrido on the US-Mexico Border, Sara Soledad Garcia

Review of the book Rethinking education in the age of technology. The digital revolution and schooling in America, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos

Submissions from 2009


Empowering Teachers as Environmentally Literate: Ethical Considerations, Sara Soledad Garcia

Learning history in middle school by designing multimedia in a project-based learning experience, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos and Susan De La Paz

Submissions from 2008


Spanish-English or English-Spanish in California: The Dialectics of Language in Sociocultural Historical Context, Sara Soledad Garcia

In absentia: Designing for social learning, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos and Geoffrey C. Bowker

Submissions from 2007


Delgadina en la Frontera, Sara Soledad Garcia


Delgadina: un imaginario colectivo sin fronteras (Delgadina: a collective imaginary without borders), Sara Soledad Garcia


Memoria de mis tristes putas Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Sara Soledad Garcia


Un Proyecto de Educacion Ambiental en Torno a la Sequia en Chihuahua: Proceso, Resultados y Aplicaciones Ulteriores (An Environmental Education Project in the Context of Drought in Chihuahua: Process, Results and Ulterior Applications), Sara Soledad Garcia, V. Reyes, and P. Ocha Tovar

Aim, shoot, ready! Future teachers learn to ‘do’ video, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos


Designing the online collaboratory for the Global Social Benefit Incubator, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos, James L. Koch, Albert Bruno, and Eric Carlson

Submissions from 2006


Bilingualism, Cultural Transmutation, and Fields of Coexistence: California's Spanish Language Legacy, Sara Soledad Garcia


How Does Educational Technology Benefit Humanity? Five Years of Evidence, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos

Submissions from 2005


Transactional Literature Circles and the Reading Comprehension of At-Risk English Learners in the Mainstream Classroom, Cheryl Bowen (McElvain)


If not here, where? Understanding teachers’ use of technology in Silicon Valley schools, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos

Submissions from 2004


Computers, the internet, and cheating among secondary school students: Some implications for educators, Stacey Conradson and Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos


Multimedia environments in mathematics teacher education: Preparing regular and special educators for inclusive classrooms, Susan De La Paz, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos, and Linda Barron


Web logs and online discussions as tools to promote reflective practice, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos


Situating teacher education: From the university classroom to the real classroom, Pedro F. Hernández-Ramos and Carol Ann Giancarlo

Submissions from 2000


Education and Ambiguous Borders in Mexican Corridos Thriving in the United States, Sara Soledad Garcia


El auge de la literatura infantil bilingue: consideraciones criticas de accion participativa. (The surge of children’s bilingual literature: critical perspectives of participatory action), Sara Soledad Garcia

Submissions from 1999


Assessing the Role of Gender in College Students' Evaluation of Faculty, Sara Soledad Garcia, Christine Bachen, and M. McLoughlin

Submissions from 1998

Canicula: Snapshots of a Girl en la Frontera Norma Cantu, Sara Soledad Garcia

Romancero General de Cuba, Beatriz Mariscal, El Colegio de Mexico, Sara Soledad Garcia

Submissions from 1997


El Triunfo del Amor: Selecciones de poesia amorosa de-y para-la comunidad, Sara Soledad Garcia


Escenas..Como De Pelicula Vieja Araceli Collazo Mapa, Sara Soledad Garcia


Self Narrative and the Process of Inquiry in Teacher Development: Living and Working in Just Institutions, Sara Soledad Garcia