"Critical Transformation: A Conceptual Framework for Examining the Impa" by Antonio Felix, John Beltramo et al.

Teacher Education

Critical Transformation: A Conceptual Framework for Examining the Impact of UCCE Programs on Latinx Catholic School Teachers

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University of Notre Dame


Our paper represents a conceptual framework designed to (a) help current stakeholders within the University Consortium of Catholic Education (UCCE) critically reflect on their respective programs' support of Latinx Catholic school teachers and (b) provide guidance for Catholic education researchers in their future inquiry into the UCCE model of teacher formation. Our conceptual framework centers on three principles derived from both critical theory and empirical research into the support of Latinx teachers: critical consciousness and praxis, dialogue, and partnership. We use these principles to raise issues and pose reflection questions that can help UCCE stakeholders and Catholic education researchers explore how UCCE programs can further transform their efforts in developing the next generation of Latinx Catholic school teachers.


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