"Providing opportunities for teacher candidates to understand power, pr" by Belinda Edwards and Kathleen Jablon Stoehr

Teacher Education

Providing opportunities for teacher candidates to understand power, privilege, and oppression

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2020


Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators


The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators’ (AMTE, 2017) Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics describes a set of proficiencies for well-prepared novice mathematics teachers. The AMTE indicator C.4.4. states: “Well-prepared beginning teachers of mathematics understand the roles of power, privilege, and oppression in the history of mathematics education and are equipped to question existing educational systems that produce inequitable educational experiences and outcomes for students.” As educator preparation programs (EPPs) across the country prepare beginning teachers of mathematics, it is critical that mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) focus on developing teacher candidates’ (TCs) understandings of the impact that power, privilege, and oppression have on the practice of teaching.
