About Institutional Repositories | Scholar Commons | Santa Clara University Research

About Scholar Commons at Santa Clara University

Scholar Commons is a service offered by the University Library to archive and offer access to intellectual work produced by faculty, students, and staff at Santa Clara University. Open access publications, student projects, theses, dissertations, pre-print and post-print articles, conference proceedings, instructional resources, and university archival material are all candidates for deposit.

Included works will usually be authored/created, in part or whole, by an Santa Clara University or Jesuit School of Theology faculty, staff, or student (with faculty sponsorship). Content does not have to be authored by an SCU or JST affiliate. For example, items may be accepted into the repository from:

  • Conferences that are held at / sponsored by SCU/JST
  • SCU/JST affiliate organizations
  • Honorary appointments
Depositors must hold the right to the works or have permission to deposit from the rights-holder and sign the non-exclusive Scholar Commons deposit agreement.

Benefits to depositing your work into Scholar Commons:
  • Increased discovery and citation impact. Your work will be accessible through Google and other search engines worldwide, providing visibility to a wide audience of researchers and readers.
  • Persistent access. Your work will have a stable and permanent URL. This URL can safely be copied and pasted into documents or emails pointing to your work.
  • Easy archiving. Scholar Commons provides a simple way to ensure permanent and centralized storage and discovery of your work, without the need for you to do system maintenance or worry about technological barriers.

A wide range of formats are supported: pdf, xml, text, html, MS Word, Powerpoint, and Excel, and image formats including jpeg, gif, and tiff. Check with us for supported data-set formats.

To learn more about Institutional Repositories, please visit our IR research page.

Please contact us for general inquiries on Scholar Commons and its services.