"“I Don’t Get It. I Need Help”: Emergent Bilinguals Seeking and Receivi" by Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica

Teacher Education

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Taylor & Francis


This study examines how emergent bilinguals seek help in language arts and how peers respond to their requests for help. Using 6 months of naturally occurring student talk in a U.S. fourth grade classroom, this article shows that (a) emergent bilinguals more frequently use general requests than specific requests to obtain help, (b) only 41% of emergent bilingual requests for help succeeded in eliciting helpful peer responses, and (c) there is no significant difference between specific and general requests for help and help received. Findings suggest the need for policies and practices that foster the educational environments necessary for peer collaboration that promotes academic understanding.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Literacy Research and Instruction on [Mar. 6th 2019, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/19388071.2019.1585492.



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