Other notable published work is also included in this gallery.
This gallery includes books published in 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.
Perceiving the Divine through the Human Body
Thomas Cattoi and June McDaniel
Cattoi and McDaniel present a selection of articles on the role of the body and the spiritual senses - our transfigured channels of sensory perceptions - in the context of spiritual practice. The volume investigates this theme across a variety of different religious traditions within Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism.
Perishable Inventory Systems
Steven Nahmias
A perishable item is one that has constant utility up until an expiration date (which may be known or uncertain), at which point the utility drops to zero. This includes many types of packaged foods such as milk, cheese, processed meats, and canned goods. It also includes virtually all pharmaceuticals and photographic film, as well as whole blood supplies. This book is the first devoted solely to perishable inventory systems.
The book’s ten chapters first cover the preliminaries of periodic review versus continuous review and look at a one-period newsvendor perishable inventory model. The author moves to the basic multiperiod dynamic model, and then considers the extensions of random lifetime, inclusion of a set-up cost, and multiproduct models of perishables. A chapter on continuous review models looks at one-for-one policies, models with zero lead time, optimal policies with positive lead time, and an alternative approach.
Additional chapters present material on approximate order policies, inventory depletion management, and deterministic models, including the basic EOQ model with perishability and the dynamic deterministic model with perishability. Finally, chapters explore decaying inventories, queues with impatient customers, and blood bank inventory control.
Anyone researching perishable inventory systems will find much to work with here. Practitioners and consultants will also now have a single well-referenced source of up-to-date information to work with. -
Photography and Japan.
Karen Fraser
In Photography and Japan, Karen Fraser argues that the diversity of styles, subjects, and functions of Japanese photography precludes easy categorization along nationalized lines. Instead, she shows that the development of photography within Japan is best understood by examining its close relationship with the country’s dramatic cultural, political, and social history.
Photography and Japan covers 150 years of photography, a period in which Japan has experienced some of the most significant events in modern history and made a remarkable transformation from an isolated, feudal country into an industrialized, modern world power—a transformation that included a striking rise and fall as an imperial power during the first half of the twentieth century and a miraculous economic recovery in the decades following the devastation of World War II. The history of photography has paralleled these events, becoming inextricably linked with notions of modernity and cultural change.
Through thematic chapters that focus on photography’s role in negotiating cultural identity, war, and the documentation of urban life, Photography and Japan introduces many images that will be unfamiliar to Western viewers and provides a broadened context for those photos that are better known.
Programming With Java: A Multimedia Approach
Radhika S. Grover
Every new copy of Programming With Java: A Multimedia Approach is packaged with student access to Turingscraft Codelab.
Suitable for readers with little or no programming experience, this comprehensive introduction to programming with Java provides readers with an easy-to-understand, in-depth treatment of Java. Programming With Java: A Multimedia Approach uses multimedia-based programs as a means of instruction. With this book, the reader will learn Java using programs that draw graphics and images, perform animation, read and play audio files, display video, and more. Unlike the conventional approach of using a console output in programs, this book utilizes a multimedia approach right from the start, creating examples that are imaginative and interesting. The author carefully explains both basic and advanced concepts by providing simple frameworks that the reader can use to write programs. With a focus on hands-on learning, a large project is developed incrementally in relevant chapters to help explain new concepts as well as demonstrate how these concepts relate to material previously discussed. Programming With Java: A Multimedia Approach covers topics such as Java 2D classes, user-defined classes, inheritance, interfaces, exception handling, GUI programming, generics and collections, multithreaded programming, and more. Turingscraft Codelab access is available for adopting professors. Custom Codelab: Codelab is a web-based interactive programming exercise service that has been customized to accompany this text. It provides numerous short exercises, each focused on a particular programming idea or language construct. The student types in code and the system immediately judges its correctness, offering hints when the submission is incorrect.
Prophets in Their Own Country: Women Religious Bearing Witness to the Gospel in a Troubled Church
Sandra M. Schneiders
These reflections, based on a series published in The National Catholic Reporter, were inspired by the Vatican s announcement of an Apostolic Visitation of U.S. Women Religious from 2009-2011. Given the unmistakable imputation of guilt, the launch of this investigation was troubling to many women religious. Schneiders uses this occasion to articulate anew the meaning of Religious Life, the biblical theology underlying it, the reasons for the renewal undertaken after Vatican II, and the forms of apostolic Religious Life that have developed through this renewal. While her introduction tells the story of the investigation and the response it has generated, the following essays offer an eloquent and inspiring assessment and apologia for Religious Life today and in the future. It is a book addressed to all members of the church, calling us to live our faith in a spirit of integrity, freedom, and courage.
Returning Home: Reconnecting with Our Childhoods
Jerry M. Burger
Each year millions of American adults visit a childhood home. Few can anticipate the effect it will have on them. Often serving several important psychological needs, these trips are not intended as visits with people from their past. Rather, those returning to their homes have a strong desire to visit the places that comprised the landscape of their childhood. Approximately one third of American adults over the age of thirty have visited a childhood home. This book describes some of their experiences and the psychology behind the journeys.
Most people who visit a childhood home are motivated by a desire to connect with their past. Seeing the buildings, schools, parks, and playgrounds from their youth helps to establish the psychological and emotional link between the child in the black-and-white photographs and the person they are today. Many people use the trip to get in touch with the values and principles they were taught as children, often as a means to get their lives back on track. Others use that journey to strengthen emotional bonds between themselves and loved ones. Still others return to former homes to work through psychological issues left over from sad or traumatic childhoods. No matter the reason, there are few experiences in one's life that can move a person as deeply and unpredictably as returning home. -
Risk Service Engineering: Informationsmodelle für das Risikomanagement
Michael Shermann
Der effektive Umgang mit Risiken gehört zu den elementaren Voraussetzungen erfolgreichen unternehmerischen Handelns. Michael Schermann präsentiert eine Modellierungsmethode, die Risikomanager bei der systematischen Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Risikosteuerung unterstützt. Im Kern steht das Konzept der Risk Services als spezifische Dienstleistungen zur Sicherung des Wertbeitrags des Informationsmanagements. Als Fundament der Methodenentwicklung dient eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit gängigen Konzepten des Risikomanagements.
Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: A Decade of Crisis, 2002-2012
Thomas G. Plante PhD, ABPP and Kathleen L. McChesney
Taking on a still-controversial topic, a diverse group of experts, including victims and clergy, offers reflections on the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, examining what the church has done―and what it still needs to do―to protect children.
Standing Together in the Community of God: Liturgical Spirituality and the Presence of Christ
Paul Janowiak SJ
We are here on earth not to guard a museum but to cultivate a garden flourishing with life and promised to a glorious future, John XXIII exhorted the Church at the dawn of the Second Vatican Council. In an age when some skeptics suggest that the reformed liturgy has lost the wonder and spiritual depth of previous ages, Standing Together in the Community of God affirms that we need not look back; the Sacred Mysteries are already in our midst. Their wellspring and summit is the heart of God, shared in the Trinity's own communion, announced now as pure Gift.
Praising God for God's saving acts in Jesus, as Vatican II reminded us, we encounter Christ's sacramental presence in four modes: in the person of the priest who gathers the community into communion, in the elements and actions of the sacraments, in the word proclaimed and preached, and in the assembly praying and singing (SC #7). In rhythm and harmony, these modes invite us to encounter the multivalent depth of the Mysteries that announce Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col 1:27). Together they proclaim the Risen One among us, the totus Christus, hope for a hungry world.
Allowing each mode its respect as a bearer of the sacred, these focal words and actions in the liturgy echo a communion song that announces Christ's real presence to us and for us and with us. Beginning deep within, this is a spirituality and piety for the twenty-first century, ever ancient and ever new.
The Future of Economic History
Alexander J. Field
This collection represents a modest attempt to chart a new course for the intellectual discipline known as economic history. (The book is not about productivity growth in the 1990s, lest the title give rise to any confusion.) As a group, these essays suggest new and potentially fruitful areas or approaches for research and at the same time address weaknesses in past efforts. One important audience will be graduate students attempting to decide whether to write a dissertation in economic history, or trying to select or refine dissertation topics in the area, and determine how to approach them. Some of the essays will most certainly be appropriate additions to the or semester courses in economic history that remain a fixture in quarter graduate economics training programs. A second audience should be established scholars who are now or have in the past done research in economic history and are interested in the perspectives of a relatively younger group of scholars. The term "younger" is used here advisedly to describe a group of scholars born between 1943 and 1954. Nevertheless, the authors of these essays can on at least one dimension be distinguished from the pathbreaking new economic his torians who established their academic reputations in the early 1960s. Indeed, the contributors to this volume include students of such pioneers as Richard Easterlin, Albert Fishlow, William Parker, and Jeffrey Williamson.
The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners, 3rd Edition
Edward F. McQuarrie
In an Internet age, many more people than ever before are involved in the design and conduct of market research. This book provides an overview for busy managers and MBA students seeking a place to begin. It shows how to think about market research in the context of business decisions, describes the essential market research techniques, skills, and applications, and pays special attention to business-to-business markets and technology products.
The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez: The True Adventures of a Spanish American with 17th-Century Pirates
Fabio Lopez-Lazaro
In 1690, a dramatic account of piracy was published in Mexico City. The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez described the incredible adventures of a poor Spanish American carpenter who was taken captive by British pirates near the Philippines and forced to work for them for two years. After circumnavigating the world, he was freed and managed to return to Mexico, where the Spanish viceroy commissioned the well-known Mexican scholar Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora to write down Ramírez's account as part of an imperial propaganda campaign against pirates.
The Misfortunes of Alonso Ramírez has long been regarded as a work of fiction—in fact, as Latin America's first novel—but Fabio López Lázaro makes a convincing case that the book is a historical account of real events, albeit full of distortions and lies. Using contemporary published accounts, as well as newly discovered documents from Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, and Dutch archives, he proves that Ramírez voyaged with one of the most famous pirates of all time, William Dampier. López Lázaro's critical translation of The Misfortunes provides the only extensive Spanish eyewitness account of pirates during the period in world history (1650–1750) when they became key agents of the European powers jockeying for international political and economic dominance. An extensive introduction places The Misfortunes within the worldwide struggle that Spain, England, and Holland waged against the ambitious Louis XIV of France, which some historians consider to be the first world war.
The Plugged-In Manager
Terri L. Griffith
A game-changing approach to management
Too often discussions of management practice focus exclusively on managing people and organizational issues. Rarely, however, do they incorporate a discussion about technology or address all three dimensions in a balanced way. When they do, the result is game changing. In our hypercompetitive environment, those managers who are outstanding at being plugged into their people, technology, and organizational processes simultaneously excel at coming up with effective business solutions.
The Plugged-In Manager makes the case that being plugged-in―the ability to see choices across each of an organization's dimensions of people, technology, and organizational processes and then to mix them together into new and powerful organizational strategies, structures, and practices―may be the most important capability a manager can develop to succeed in the 21st century. Step by step Griffith shows you how to acquire this ability.
Tweet If You Heart Jesus
Elizabeth Drescher
Churches everywhere are scrambling to get linked with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. But are they ready for the Digital Reformation: the dramatic global shift in the nature of faith, social consciousness, and relationship that these digital social media have ushered in?
Tweet If You Heart Jesus brings the wisdom of ancient and medieval Christianity into conversation with contemporary theories of cultural change and the realities of social media, all to help churches navigate a landscape where faith, leadership, and community have taken on new meanings. -
Undecided: How to Ditch the Endless Quest for Perfect and Find the Career—and Life—That's Right for You
Barbara Kelley and Shannon Kelley
In a world of unprecedented opportunity—and pressure—women are struggling more than ever to make career decisions and move forward without second-guessing themselves. Young women graduate from college and believe they have to find the perfect path and then can’t decide which way to go. Undecided is an invaluable guide to this cultural phenomenon of “analysis paralysis.” Looking at both what the media and academic studies have reported on women, careers, and particularly the undecided phenomenon—as well as personal accounts from numerous women—mother and daughter Barbara and Shannon Kelley discuss how we got to this frustrating place, why it affects women in particular, and how today’s culture fuels our fears and distractions. The Kelleys cast a critical eye upon the psychology behind the pressure to choose, and they argue that if women are going to succeed in rising above the often-crippling demands of the modern world they need to take action . . . starting with a serious shift in perspective.
What Investors Really Want: Know What Drives Investor Behavior and Make Smarter Financial Decisions
Meir Statman
Combining the new field of behavioral finance with the real world of investing, this engaging new book explores the mind-sets and motivations behind the major money decisions--and most common mistakes―that investors make every day. With insider's insight, and a storyteller's voice, behavioral finance expert Meir Statman reveals What Investors Really Want . . . Investors want bigger profits with lower risks. How our desire for free investment lunches can leave us with no lunches. Investors want to play and win. How our desire to win the investment game can turn us into losersInvestors want to save money for tomorrow and spend it today. How we struggle between spending too much and spending too little. Investors want status, respect, and social responsibility. How to know what's really important in life. Investors do not want to face financial losses. How to recognize and confront the regret that accompanies losses.
You'll also learn how age, gender, genetics, and personality affect your investment decisions and how people of different countries and cultures think about risks and returns, poverty, and wealth. You'll discover how behavioral finance provides key insights into the behavior that has rocked investment markets in recent years. And, most important, you'll learn to recognize the desires, thoughts, and emotions that drive your own investment decisions--so you can drive better on your road to investment success.
Women and the law stories
Elizabeth Schneider and Stephanie M. Wildman
This book examines landmark cases establishing women’s legal rights, offering accounts of the litigants, history, parties, strategies, and theoretical implications. It will enrich any law school course and can serve as a text for a course on women and the law, gender and law, feminist jurisprudence, or women’s studies. This volume utilizes subject areas common to many women and law casebooks: history, constitutional law, reproductive freedom, the workplace, the family, and women in the legal profession. Several chapters explore issues of domestic violence and rape.
Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future
Gary Macy, William T. Ditewig, and Phyllis Zagano
The tremendous growth of the permanent order of deacon in the Church carries with it lingering questions about women deacons. The Church s evident need for more women in ministry demands careful exploration and evaluation of the historical roots, contemporary ecclesial realities, and creative future possibilities for including women in the diaconate. In these three essays, originally written for this volume, Professors Macy, Ditewig and Zagano evaluate the question of women deacons from the historical, contemporary, and future perspectives in conversation with one another and with the whole Church. The result is essential reading for anyone interested in the nature and exercise of diaconate in the contemporary Catholic Church..
Asian American Political Action: Suburban Transformations
James Lai
Where are Asian Americans gaining political power in the United States today? And how? Looking beyond traditional conceptions of immigrant political behavior in "gateway" cities, James Lai comprehensively analyzes how Asian Americans are not only winning elected office, but also sustaining representation, in places as diverse as California, Texas, Wisconsin, and Maryland.
Lai's multidimensional approach and vivid case studies illustrate both the unique characteristics and the political commonalities of Asian communities throughout the United States: their core populations, civic organizations, political leanings, and specific electoral challenges and successes. The result is a complex portrait of the breadth of Asian American participation in contemporary multiracial politics. -
Aunting: Cultural Practices That Sustain Family and Community Life
Laura L. Ellingson and Patricia J. Sotirin
Whether related by biology, marriage, circumstance, or choice, aunts embody a uniquely flexible familial role. The aunt-niece/nephew relationship--though often overlooked--is critical and complex, one that appears at the core of a resilient, healthy family life. In this engaging book, Laura Ellingson and Patricia Sotirin construct a consideration of "aunts" that moves from noun to verb. "Aunts" is more than a group of people or a role; instead, "to aunt" is a practice, something people "do." Some women "aunt" as second mothers, friends, or mentors, while others play more peripheral roles. In either case, aunts nonetheless significantly impact their nieces and nephews' life choices. Drawing on personal narratives that represent a rich cross section of society, Ellingson and Sotirin construct a cohesive story of the diversity of aunting experiences in the contemporary United States. Skillfully written, Aunting recovers the enormous potential of this dynamic kinship relationship and offers a model for understanding and supporting the variety of families in society today.
Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health
Thomas G. Plante PhD, ABPP
This groundbreaking primer illuminates contemplative methods that can improve mental and physical health.
• Foreword by renowned author and scholar Huston Smith, subject of the five-part PBS special, The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith
• Contributions from 13 expert authors
• Case studies showing how contemplative practices are being used to cope with modern stress and disorders among groups as diverse as caregivers, pregnant women, people living with HIV, and veterans dealing with PTSD
Contemporary Clinical Psychology, 3rd Edition
Thomas G. Plante PhD, ABPP
A realistic and contemporary portrayal of the dynamic field of clinical psychology
Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most current topics professionals will face in clinical practice, the Third Edition takes an integrative biopsychosocial approach throughout and features:
New coverage of innovations in psychotherapy and their implications for interventions, changing populations, and assessment
Up-to-date discussion of empirically supported treatments, technology-assisted treatments such as Web-based interventions, and new cognitive behavior treatments such as ACT
Insights into prevention, ethics, evidence-based treatments, and confidentiality laws and regulations including HIPAA
Case studies detailing the theoretical conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of clients
Chapter-ending Big Picture synopses and lists of key points and terms, as well as unique Real Students, Real Questions sections featuring actual questions asked by clinical psychology students
Firsthand career advice from a diverse group of mental health professionals
Current and future trends, plus a step-by-step road map that covers all aspects of becoming a clinical psychologist
This broad-spectrum overview of the art and science of clinical psychology explores many different perspectives in many different settings. Author Thomas Plante draws from his own experience as a practicing clinician and college professor to reveal how science and application function together in the day-to-day practice of psychology.
Eucharist and American Culture: Liturgy, Unity, and Individualism
Dennis C. Smolarski SJ
Liturgy, which tries to foster the unity of the body of Christ, can be a countercultural experience since trends in modern American society emphasize individualism.
In John 17, Jesus prays that all may be one, a theme which appears in other ways in other parts of scripture (such as the image of one bread-one body ) and in writings throughout Christian history. In contrast, U.S. society is characterized by individualism and, according to various recent scholarly publications, is becoming more individualistic. Americans are less likely now to participate in social groups than they were a couple of decades ago. As a result, some aspects of good liturgy, for example, common posture or communal singing, are increasingly countercultural.
This book looks at the various ways the call to unity of the followers of Christ appears in scripture and in Christian tradition up to the present. It also looks at the works of secular authors such as Alexi de Tocqueville, Robert Bellah, Robert Putnam, and Jean Twenge, among others, and how they evaluate the challenges of American life, especially in the contemporary era, regarding the more and more individualistic behavioral aspects. It then goes through the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and shows how liturgy tries to bring about the unity Christ prayed for. Finally, the book tries to address the problems faced in making unity a reality in contemporary American culture. -
Restorative Justice for Domestic Violence Victims: An Integrated Approach to Their Hunger for Healing
Marilyn Fernandez
Restorative Justice for Domestic Violence Victims uses a rich and detailed set of interviews and complementary survey data to make a strong case for introducing restorative justice principles into the existing menu of services for victims of domestic violence. Guided primarily by concerns of victim safety, domestic violence theorists and practitioners have been wary of introducing restorative justice principled programs in the domestic violence arena. While remaining cognizant of safety concerns, Marilyn Fernandez weaves together the theories, concepts, and research in the restorative justice and domestic violence traditions and uses the voices of domestic violence victims to make a case for restorative justice programs. In the process, Fernandez helps readers, academicians, students, and practitioners, understand the complex nature of domestic violence and the lives of its victims.
Support Processes in Intimate Relationships
Kieran T. Sullivan and Joanne Davila
In the past twenty years or so, research on support processes in relationships has emerged as a distinct development in the field. Researchers have drawn from studies in the fields of communication, social support, and intimate relationships to conduct research examining support processes in relationships on micro and macro levels. Theoretical models of support processes in intimate relationships have been developed and increasingly sophisticated methodologies and data analytic techniques are being used to accumulate considerable and convincing evidence of the importance and complexity of support processes in intimate relationships. This edited book offers a broad yet coherent view of the field, showcasing novel, state-of-the-art research and theory on support processes in intimate relationships. Cutting-edge scholarly work is compiled in one accessible volume, which is designed to provoke and guide new research on social support. The book is divided into five sections designed to reflect emerging themes in the literature on support processes and intimate relationships. "Getting What One Wants: Perceived Support in Intimate Relationships" highlights the importance of offering support that is consistent with the needs of the recipient. "Providing What Partners Need: Interpersonal Aspects of Support" focuses on the importance of empathic understanding, validation of support seekers' needs, attachment styles, and the emotional context for effective support provision. "Complexities of Support Processes in Individual and Couple Well Being" highlights the complex nature of support, presenting research on the effects of partner support on coping with stress, differential responses to daily support, and the importance of providing support for positive events. "Support in the Context of Health-related Problems and Behaviors" is comprised of chapters describing the effects of support on health, illness, and injury. Finally, "Culture and Gender" presents research that explores the role of gender and culture in support processes in couples.
"To toil in that vineyard of the Lord" : Contemporary Scholarship on Junípero Serra
Robert M. Senkewicz and Rose Marie Beebe
Contents: Chronology of the life of Junípero Serra; The representation of Junípero Serra in California history by Robert M. Senkewicz; Chisli, Canuch, and Junípero Serra : Indian responses to Missión San Diego, 1769-1788 / by James A. Sandos and Patricia B. Sandos; Junípero Serra's California sacramental community / by Steven W. Hackel; Junípero Serra and the Santa Bárbara Channel / by Rose Marie Beebe and Robert M. Senkewicz; Seeing the Serra documents through the eyes of an archivist / by Lawrence Scrivani.
Nietzsche and the Horror of Existence
Philip J. Kain
Nietzsche believed in the horror of existence: a world filled with meaningless suffering_suffering for no reason at all. He also believed in eternal recurrence, the view that that our lives will repeat infinitely, and that in each life every detail will be exactly the same. Furthermore, it was not enough for Nietzsche that eternal recurrence simply be accepted_he demanded that it be loved. Thus the philosopher who introduces eternal recurrence is the very same philosopher who also believes in the horror of existence. In this groundbreaking study, Philip Kain develops an insightful account of Nietzsche's strange and paradoxical view that a life of pain and suffering is perhaps the only life it really makes sense to want to live again.
Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice
Catherine Bell
Ritual studies today figures as a central element of religious discourse for many scholars around the world. Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice, Catherine Bell's sweeping and seminal work on the subject, helped legitimize the field. In this volume, Bell re-examines the issues, methods, and ramifications of our interest in ritual by concentrating on anthropology, sociology, and the history of religions. Now with a new foreword by Diane Jonte-Pace, Bell's work is a must-read for understanding the evolution of the field of ritual studies and its current state.