Create Eritrean maps that includes all villages tigrigna (geez) and later in Arabic.


University Library, St. Clare Room

Start Date

9-3-2024 11:55 AM

End Date

9-3-2024 12:25 PM


Create Eritrean maps that includes all villages. Initially in tigrigna (geez) and then in Arabic. Currently we completed typing the village names in tigrigna. By using commercially available village data we convert the English into tigrigna (geez). Using GIS (Geographic Information System) technology we created the Eritrean map. Now next step is use crowd sourcing to correct the wording and also the actual location. Presenters: Ephrem Naizghi, project proposer and manager, Solomon Ghidei, GIS expert Yikealo Abraha, programming expert


Mar 9th, 11:55 AM Mar 9th, 12:25 PM

Create Eritrean maps that includes all villages tigrigna (geez) and later in Arabic.

University Library, St. Clare Room

Create Eritrean maps that includes all villages. Initially in tigrigna (geez) and then in Arabic. Currently we completed typing the village names in tigrigna. By using commercially available village data we convert the English into tigrigna (geez). Using GIS (Geographic Information System) technology we created the Eritrean map. Now next step is use crowd sourcing to correct the wording and also the actual location. Presenters: Ephrem Naizghi, project proposer and manager, Solomon Ghidei, GIS expert Yikealo Abraha, programming expert