"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 38 Number 2, Spring 1996" by Santa Clara University



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10 - IT CHANGED MY LIFE Reflecting on 30 years of the Santa Clara Communiry Action Program, former SCCAP directors recount what participating in the organization meant to them.

14 - ATTICUS An excerpt from the recent novel by SCU's new Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.)., Professor in Arts and Humanities. By Ron Hansen M.A. '95

22 - LOST IN CYBERSPACE Universities debate Internet addiction among students: Should we stop them before rhey surf again? By Jeff Brazil '85

28 - THE GRAPES OF WRATH: PART II Professor of Modern Languages Francisco Jimenez '66 remembers his childhood as a migrant laborer, an experience he revisited recenrly with the SCU cast performing Steinbeck's classic about the Joad family. A photo essay captures how the student actors prepared for their roles by touring California's grape-growing region. By Kathryn Bold '81 Photographs by Charles Barry

Publication Date

Spring 1996


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Elise Banducci

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 38 Number 2, Spring 1996



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