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8 - GERALD UELMEN: BACK IN THE CLASSROOM The School of Law professor and co-counsel for the O.J. Simpson defense reflects on the "trial of the century" and assesses its impact on legal education. Interview by Elise Banducci '87
12 - MARRIED WITHOUT CHILDREN Childless couples challenge deeply held beliefs about marriage and family. By Kath1yn Bold '81
16 - PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST Gerald Sullivan, S.J., answers the questions "Why figurative painting?" "Why liberal arts?" and "Why dogs?" By Miriam Schulman
20 - PASSPORT TO KNOWLEDGE Study abroad programs in Italy and around the world push beyond traditional borders. Photographs by Anthony Boccaccio
24 - CYBER CITY: IS ONLINE GOVERNMENT IN LINE WITH ETHICS? What are the ethical implications of online city services in a municipality where not everyone has access to computers? Markkula Center scholars debate the issue.
Publication Date
Winter 1996
Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 1996.
Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Elise Banducci
Recommended Citation
Santa Clara University, "Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 38 Number 1, Winter 1996" (1996). Santa Clara Magazine. 83.

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