"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 38 Number 3, Summer 1996" by Santa Clara University



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6 - THE BEATEN TRACK SCU Psychologist Stephanie Etukudo and Senior Lecturer in English Jeffrey Zorn debate whether ability groupings serve students' best interests.

12 - WHAT WOULD SOLOMON SAY? Adoptions gone awry trigger controversy over how to safeguard the rights of parents while protecting the welfare of the child. By Elizabeth Fernandez '79

18 - A THIRST FOR HEALING A pilgrim to Lourdes finds that the cures offered by the blessed waters can be mostly invisible. By Dee Danna '68 (MBA '72)

24 - THE FLOWERING OF SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY For more than a century, the Mission Gardens have offered spiritual and aesthetic refreshment. By Miriam Schulman

30 - SECOND-PLACE TROPHIES RARELY GET POLISHED Just one run short of the national championship, the 1962 Bronco baseball team was the finest ever fielded by the University. By Dan Peterson '97

Publication Date

Summer 1996


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Elise Banducci

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 38 Number 3, Summer 1996



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