Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, cognition and emotion. The Santa Clara psychology department believesactions, thoughts and feelings are best understood as the result of psychological, neurological, developmental, social and cultural influences. The composition of the faculty reflects this broad approach, with members who specialize in clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, health psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, learning, neuropsychology, and social psychology.

The psychology department places a strong emphasis on empirical methods of inquiry. All faculty members have active research programs, and we encourage undergraduates to get involved. Each year a large number of our majors present papers at professional conferences, and many students co-author articles in professional journals. Permanent laboratories maintained by the department include a health psychology lab, an animal lab, and a sleep lab.


Submissions from 2003


The role of group values in the relationship between group faultlines and performance, Katerina Bezrukova and Karen A. Jehn

Influence of a Sleeping Verses Waking Retention Interval on Spatial Visual Auditory Memory Performance, Meghan Frey, Mariah Graca, Holly Hem, Cynthia Hoffman, and Tracey L. Kahan


Clergy sexual abuse and the Catholic Church: What do we know and where do we need to go?, Thomas G. Plante


Psychological consultation with the Roman Catholic Church: Integrating who we are with what we do, Thomas G. Plante


“Won’t you be my neighbor?” Mr. Rogers as an ethical model, Thomas G. Plante


Believing in health, Thomas G. Plante


Mirror me: Is this the message graduate students in clinical psychology get from their graduate school faculty?, Thomas G. Plante


Priests behaving badly: What do we know about priest sex offenders, Thomas G. Plante


Might virtual reality promote the mood benefits of exercise?, Thomas G. Plante, Arianna Aldridge, Ryan Bogden, and Cara Hanelin


Does virtual reality enhance the management of stress when paired with exercise? An exploratory study., Thomas G. Plante, Arianna Aldridge, Denise Su, Ryan Bogdan, Martha Belo, and Kamran Kahn

Does virtual reality enhance the psychological benefits of exercise?, Thomas G. Plante, S. Frazier, A. Tittle, and E. Riggs

Submissions from 2002


Preference and resistance to change in concurrent variable-interval schedules, Matthew C. Bell and Ben A. Williams


The effects of cross-level conflict: the moderating effects of conflict culture on the group faultlines - performance link, Katerina Bezrukova and Karen A. Jehn


Exploring faultlines, conflict, satisfaction, and stress in groups of peacekeepers, Katerina Bezrukova, Karen A. Jehn, Martin Euwema, and Nicolien Kop


Persistence and visibility of group faultlines: a theoretical model of the effect of group culture and team identity on the group faultlines-organizational conflict link, Katerina Bezrukova, Karen A. Jehn, and Madhan Gounder


Celibacy and the child sexual abuse crisis, Thomas G. Plante


Stress and coping among displaced Bosnian refugees: An exploratory study, Thomas G. Plante, Azra Simicic, Erin N. Endersen, and Gerdenio Manuel


The development of a brief version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, Thomas G. Plante, Charlotte L. Vallaeys, Allen C. Sherman, and Kenneth A. Wallston


Successful conflict resolution between peacekeepers and NGOs: the role of training and preparation in international peacekeeping in Bosnia, Lakshmi Ramarajan, Katerina Bezrukova, Karen A. Jehn, Martin Euwema, and Nicolien Kop


Recruitment of engaged couples for premarital counseling: An empirical examination of the importance of program characteristics and topics to potential participants, Kieran T. Sullivan and Carmen Anderson

Submissions from 2001


Trichotillomania: An overview and guide to understanding, S Enos and Thomas G. Plante

Consciousness in dreaming: A metacognitive approach, Tracey L. Kahan


Faith and Health: What Do We Know?, Thomas G. Plante

Money doesn’t buy happiness – it rents it, Thomas G. Plante


Review of - Handbook of Religion and Health, Thomas G. Plante


The association between religious faith and coping with daily stress, Thomas G. Plante


Does exercising with another enhance the stress reducing benefits of exercise?, Thomas G. Plante, Laura Coscarelli, and Maire Ford


Religious faith and mental health outcomes, Thomas G. Plante and Naveen K. Sharma


Research on faith and health: new appoaches to old questions, Thomas G. Plante and Allen C. Sherman


Melatonin and sleep qualities in healthy adults: Pharmacological and expectancy effects, Daniel A. Rose and Tracey L. Kahan

Conclusions and future directions for research on faith and health, A. C. Sherman and Thomas G. Plante


Measuring religious faith in cancer patients: Reliability and construct validity of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, Allen C. Sherman, Stephanie Simonton, Dawn C. Adams, Umaira Latif, Thomas G. Plante, S. Kaay Burns, and Tom Poling


Influence of competing distractors on response selection in Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, Julie C. Stout, Scott Wylie, Patricia M. Simone, and Eric R. Siemers


Understanding the relationship between religiosity and marriage: An investigation of the immediate and longitudinal effect of religiosity on newlywed couples, Kieran T. Sullivan

Submissions from 2000


One frog, two frog, red frog, blue frog: Factors affecting children’s syntactic choices in production and comprehension, Felicia Hurewitz, Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Kirsten Read, Lila R. Gleitman, and John C. Trueswell


The "problem" of dreaming in NREM sleep continues to challenge reductionist (two generator) models of dream generation (Commentary), Tracey L. Kahan


Effects of melatonin on dream bizarreness among male and female college students, Tracey L. Kahan, Jeanine Hays, Ben Hirashima, and Kimberly Johnston


Religious faith and spirituality in substance abuse recovery: Determining the mental health benefits, Dustin A. Pardini, Thomas G. Plante, Allen Sherman, and Jamie E. Stump


Perceived fitness and responses to laboratory induced stress, Thomas G. Plante, Deanna Caputo, and Lisay Chizmar


Perceived Fitness Predicts Daily Coping Better Than Physical Activity or Aerobic Fitness, Thomas G. Plante, Laura Coscarelli, Deanna Caputo, and Marily Oppezzo

The association between cardiovascular stress responsivity and perceived stress among subjects with irritable bowel syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorder: A preliminary analysis, Thomas G. Plante and Maire Ford


Perceived fitness predicts daily coping better than physical activity, Thomas G. Plante, Sara E. LeCaptain, and Heather C. McLain


The association between strength of religious faith and psychological functioning, Thomas G. Plante, Scott Yancey, Allen Sherman, and Mira Guertin


A multidimensional measure of religious involvement for cancer patients: The Duke Religious Index, A. C. Sherman, Thomas G. Plante, S. Simonton, D. C. Adams, C. Harbison, and S. K. Burris


Implementation of empirically validated interventions in managed care settings: The premarital relationship enhancement program (PREP), Kieran T. Sullivan and Dalia Goldschmidt


The uncertain domain of resistance to change, Ben A. Williams and Matthew C. Bell

Submissions from 1999


Pavlovian contingencies and resistance to change in multiple schedules of reinforcement, Matthew C. Bell


Discriminating memories for actual and imagined taste experiences: A reality monitoring approach, Tracey L. Kahan, Raania Mohsen, Jeanette Tandez, and Jennifer McDonald


A collaborative relationship between professional psychology and the Roman Catholic Church: A case example and suggested principles for success, Thomas G. Plante

Sexual abuse committed by Roman Catholic priests: Current status, future objectives., Thomas G. Plante