Modern Languages & Literature | College of Arts & Sciences | Santa Clara University

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures aims to develop and promote the bases for human understanding and productive interaction among members of disparate cultural groups. We emphasize linguistic, cultural and literary competencies so as to educate students for a more informed, compassionate, productive and civic involvement in our increasingly diverse and global society. To achieve its mission, we offer major and minor programs of the highest quality in French and Francophone, German, Italian, Japanese (minor only), and Spanish Studies. We also offer other languages on the basis of curricular and student needs such as Arabic and Chinese.

Throughout our programs, we subscribe to a communicative and proficiency-based language curriculum modeled after the goals of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning and encourage the university’s teaching scholar model through faculty research and creative activity and critical and reflective engagement with society. In addition, we develop and co-sponsor educational events and programs that enhance our mission as well as the mission and goals of the College and University.


Submissions from 2022


Biutiful: En los márgenes de la cosmópolis neoliberal, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2020


Intercultural communicative competence and Spanish heritage language speakers: an overview from the U.S., Australia and Europe, Adriana Raquel Díaz and Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2019


Jewish Refugee Women, Transnational Coalition Politics, and Affect in Ebe Cagli Seidenberg’s Come ospiti: Eva ed altri, Eveljn Ferraro


Space and Relic in Frank Paci’s Black Madonna, Eveljn Ferraro


El espectro, en teoría, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2018


When to Speak Spanish and When Not to: Interethnic communication and US students of L2 Spanish 1, Laura Callahan


Un negocio de mierda: El ensueño monoproductivo de El baño del Papa, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2017


El tirano indigente: Pedro Páramo, deuda y necropolítica, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas


Tales of the Brick Age: Corruption and Bankruptcy in the late works of Rafael Chirbes, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2016


Casting Sound: Modality and Poetics in Gabriella Ghermandi’s Regina di fiori e di perle, Laura Dolp and Eveljn Ferraro


Songs of Passage and Sacrifice: Gabriella Ghermandi’s Stories in Performance, Laura Dolp and Eveljn Ferraro

Submissions from 2015


Drawing Testimony, Coming to Writing: Ebe Cagli Seidenberg’s Le sabbie del silenzio and Il Tempo dei Dioscuri, Eveljn Ferraro


Introduction: Theories of the Ghost in a Transhispanic Context, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas and Amanda L. Petersen

Submissions from 2014


Ancres invisibles, Jimia Boutouba


The Moudawana Syndrome: Gender Trouble in Contemporary Morocco, Jimia Boutouba


Face Work in Spanish Language Service Encounters between Native and Nonnative Speakers in the United States, Laura Callahan

Introduction to Spanish and Portuguese across Time, Place, and Borders: Studies in Honor of Milton M. Azevedo, Laura Callahan


Museums as a site for racialization and heritage language maintenance, Laura Callahan


The importance of being earnest: Mock Spanish, mass media, and the implications for language learners, Laura Callahan


Mil y una muertes de Sergio Ramírez y los fantasmas de la construcción nacional nicaragüense, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2013


Les Enfants de l’ombre: Dalila Kerchouche. Leila: Avoir dix-ans dans un camp de harkis, Jimia Boutouba


Rupturing otherness, fashioning the self: The aesthetics and politics of self-transformation in Sakinna Boukhedenna’s Journal ‘Nationalité: immigré(e)’, Jimia Boutouba


Requests for money on public transportation: Saving face for speaker and hearers, Laura Callahan


La posthibdridez fronteriza en la narrativa de Heriberto Yépez, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2012


Femmes d’images et images de femmes: Parcours féminins et culture visuelle au Maghreb, Jimia Boutouba


Pre-imposition vs. in situ Negotiation of Group and Individual Identities: Spanish and English in US Service Encounters, Laura Callahan


Ebe Cagli Seidenberg, Eveljn Ferraro

Submissions from 2011


Asking for a letter of recommendation in Spanish and English: A pilot study of face strategies, Laura Callahan


Workplace requests in Spanish and English: a case study of email communication between two supervisors and a subordinate, Laura Callahan


Italianization of Emigration to Canada: Or, What is the Role of the Italies outside of Italy?, Eveljn Ferraro


Transatlantic Fuentes: Between ‘The Two Shores’ of Pluriculturality and Glossocentrism, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2010


Speaking with (dis)respect: a study of reactions to Mock Spanish, Laura Callahan


U.S. Latinos’ Use of Written Spanish: Realities and Aspirations, Laura Callahan


Southern Encounters in the City: Reconfiguring the South from the Liminal Space, Eveljn Ferraro

Submissions from 2009


Accommodation to Outgroup Members’ Use of an Ingroup Language: A Comparison of Service Encounters in Person and Over the Telephone, Laura Callahan


Between Italy and America: Exile and Suspension in Ebe Cagli Seidenberg’s Il Tempo dei Dioscuri, Eveljn Ferraro


Carlos Fuente's "The Two Shores": Between Counterfactualism and Cultural Allegory, Alberto Ribas-Casasayas

Submissions from 2008


El uso del acento ortográfico en el español de los Estados Unidos, América Latina y España: normas periodísticas, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2007


La République des Lettres: Ses écrivains, ses critiques, ses limites, Jimia Boutouba


Spanish/English codeswitching in service encounters: accommodation to the customer's language choice and perceived linguistic affiliation, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2006


English or Spanish?! Language accommodation in New York City service encounters, Laura Callahan


Student perceptions of native and non-native speaker language instructors: A comparison of ESL and Spanish, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2005


‘Talking Both Languages‘: 20 Perspectives on the Use of Spanish and English Inside and Outside the Workplace, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2004


Native speakers' attitudes toward the use of Spanish by non-native speakers: from George W. To J. Lo, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2003


The Role of Register in Spanish-English Codeswitching in Prose, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2002


Codeswitching in Antonio Muñoz Molina’s Carlota Fainberg: Determiner gender and noun phrase status, Laura Callahan


The Matrix Language Frame model and Spanish/English codeswitching in fiction, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2001


Metalinguistic References in a Spanish/English Corpus, Laura Callahan

Submissions from 2000


Forms of address in the popular press: A comparison of Spain, Mexico and the United States, Laura Callahan