The Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University (JST-SCU) is a theological school faithful to the intellectual tradition and the apostolic priority of the Society of Jesus: reverent and critical service of the faith that does justice. As such, JST-SCU shares Santa Clara’s strategic commitment to a Jesuit education grounded in an engaged pedagogy for the formation of leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion.
JST-SCU achieves its mission primarily through the academic, pastoral, and personal formation of Jesuits and other candidates for ministry, ordained and lay, in the Roman Catholic Church. As an Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology, it prepares men and women to serve the Church as scholars and teachers. It fulfills this mission in the ecumenical and interfaith context of the nine-member Graduate Theological Union and the adjacent University of California at Berkeley.
Submissions from 2023
Doubled Recycling: The Gospel according to Mark in Late Ancient Catena Commentary, Jeremiah Coogan
Meddling with the Gospel: Celsus, Early Christian Textuality, and the Politics of Reading, Jeremiah Coogan
Misusing Books: Material Texts and Lived Religion in the Roman Mediterranean, Jeremiah Coogan
Poetic Geography: Reading Eusebius’ Fourfold Gospel, Jeremiah Coogan
Reading (in) a Quadriform Cosmos:Gospel Books in the Early Christian Bibliographic Imagination, Jeremiah Coogan
Rethinking adoptionism: An argument for dismantling a dubious category, Jeremiah Coogan
Tabular Thinking in Late Ancient Palestine: Instrumentality, Work, and the Construction of Knowledge, Jeremiah Coogan
Ordering Gospel Textuality in the Second Century, Jeremiah Coogan and Jacob A. Rodriguez
Submissions from 2022
Introduction to Eusebius the Evangelist: Rewriting the Fourfold Gospel in Late Antiquity, Jeremiah Coogan
The reception of Jubilees in Greek catena manuscripts of Genesis, Jeremiah Coogan
The Ways that Parted in the Library: The Gospels according to Matthew and according to the Hebrews in Late Ancient Heresiology, Jeremiah Coogan
Submissions from 2021
Gospel as Recipe Book: Nonlinear Reading and Practical Texts in Late Antiquity, Jeremiah Coogan
Transforming Textuality: Porphyry, Eusebius, and Late Ancient Tables of Contents, Jeremiah Coogan
Submissions from 2020
Transmission and Transformation of the Eusebian Gospel Apparatus in Greek Medieval Manuscripts, Jeremiah Coogan
Submissions from 2019
Appendix: the Odes, Jeremiah Coogan
Submissions from 2018
Divine Truth, Presence, and Power: The Christian Book in Fourth-Century Roman North Africa, Jeremiah Coogan
Submissions from 2017
Mapping the Fourfold Gospel:Textual Geography in the Eusebian Apparatus, Jeremiah Coogan
Submissions from 2016
Byzantine Manuscript Colophons and the Prosopography of Scribal Activity, Jeremiah Coogan
Biblical Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Take and Read: Interpretation Theory: Discourse and the Surplus of Meaning, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2015
Foreword to Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe: The Lectionary and the New Cosmology, Barbara Green and Sandra Marie Schneiders
Theology of Consecrated Life for the Contemporary World, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Women Religious in a Renewing Church: Development or Demise?, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2014
A Vow of Poverty, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Foreword to Study Guides: Religious Life in a New Millennium, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Ongoing Challenge of Renewal in Contemporary Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2013
Biblical Spirituality: Text and Transformation, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Conclusion to Buying the Field: Catholic Religious Life in Mission to the World, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2011
That Was Then...This Is Now: The Past, Present and Future of Women Religious in the United States, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Lamb of God and the Forgiveness of Sin(s) in the Fourth Gospel, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2010
Biblical Interpretation -- the Soul of Theology, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Religious Life as a Prophetic Life Form, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Religious Orders, Roman Catholic: Forms of Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Spirituality and the God Question, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Word in the World, Sandra Marie Schneiders
When good (bad) things happen, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2009
Discerning Ministerial Religious Life: The Past and Future of Ministerial Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Foreword to Staying in the Fire, A Sisterhood Responds to Vatican II, Sandra Marie Schneiders
God So Loved the World...Ministerial Religious Life in 2009, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Spirituality, Biblical, Sandra Marie Schneiders
We’ve given birth to a new form of Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Whose Sins You Shall Forgive....The Holy Spirit and the Forgiveness of Sin(s) in the Fourth Gospel, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Why They Stay(ed), Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2008
Inspiration and Revelation, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Touching the Risen Jesus. Mary Magdalene and Thomas the Twin in John 20, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2007
Remaining in His Word: From Faith to Faith by Way of the Text, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2006
The Discipline of Christian Spirituality and Catholic Theology, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Gospels and the Reader, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Raising of the New Temple: John 20.19-23 and Johannine Ecclesiology, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2005
Approaches to the Study of Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Biblical Foundations of Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Christian Spirituality: Definition, Methods and Types, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Impact of Classics of Western Spirituality on the Discipline of Christian Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Johannine Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Spiritual Exegesis, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Spirituality and Scripture, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Resurrection (of the Body) in the Fourth Gospel: A Key to Johannine Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Touching the Risen Jesus: Mary Magdalene and Thomas the Twin in John 20, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2004
John of the Cross, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Scripture: Tool of Patriarchy or Resource for Transformation?, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2003
Religion vs. Spirituality: A Contemporary Conundrum, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Religious Life in a Postmodern Context, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2002
Biblical Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Issues That Need to be Explored During Vocation Discernment, Sandra Marie Schneiders
To See or Not to See: John 9 as a Synthesis of the Theology and Spirituality of Discipleship, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2001
Charism and Formation, Sandra Marie Schneiders
God is the Question and God is the Answer, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Obedience, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Charism of Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 2000
Feminist Biblical Interpretation and the Renewal of the Church, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Religion and Spirituality: Strangers, Rivals, or Partners?, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1999
Horizons on Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1998
"Because of the Woman’s Testimony . . .": Reexamining the Issue of Authorship in the Fourth Gospel, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Congregational Leadership and Spirituality in the Postmodern Era, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Desire To Give Or The Need To Have: Freely Have You Received, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Study of Christian Spirituality: Contours and Dynamics of a Discipline, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1997
A Case Study: A Feminist Interpretation of John 4:1-42, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Biblical Spirituality: Life, Literature, and Learning, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1996
Contemporary Religious Life: Death or Transformation?, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Feminist Spirituality: Christian Alternative or Alternative to Christianity?, Sandra Marie Schneiders
John 20:11-18: The Encounter of the Easter Jesus with Mary Magdalene--A Transformative Feminist Reading, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Kerygma, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1995
Biblical Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Feminist Hermeneutics, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Hermeneutics, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Merton, Friend of God and Prophet: Response to ‘Thomas Merton: Prophetic and Poetic Imagination’ by Robert F. Morneau, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Senses of Scripture, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Resurrection of Jesus and Christian Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1994
A Hermeneutical Approach to the Study of Christian Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Contemporary Religious Life: Death or Transformation?, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1993
Discernment of Spirits, Michael J. Buckley S.J.
Celibacy As Charism, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Feminist Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Nieuwe visie op de religieuze geloften, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Scripture as the Word of God, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Spirituality as an Academic Discipline: Reflections from Experience, Sandra Marie Schneiders
The Bible and Feminism: Biblical Theology, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Submissions from 1992
Author’s Response, Sandra Marie Schneiders
Living Word or Dead(ly) Letter: The Encounter between the New Testament and Contemporary Experience, Sandra Marie Schneiders