The Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University (JST-SCU) is a theological school faithful to the intellectual tradition and the apostolic priority of the Society of Jesus: reverent and critical service of the faith that does justice. As such, JST-SCU shares Santa Clara’s strategic commitment to a Jesuit education grounded in an engaged pedagogy for the formation of leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion.

JST-SCU achieves its mission primarily through the academic, pastoral, and personal formation of Jesuits and other candidates for ministry, ordained and lay, in the Roman Catholic Church. As an Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology, it prepares men and women to serve the Church as scholars and teachers. It fulfills this mission in the ecumenical and interfaith context of the nine-member Graduate Theological Union and the adjacent University of California at Berkeley.


Submissions from 1992

Spiritual Discernment in The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Vrouwelijke religieuzen in Amerika, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1991

Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis), Sandra Marie Schneiders


Thinking Constructively About Abortion, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1990


The Risk of Dialogue: The U.S. Bishops and Women in Conversation, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1989

Does the Bible Have a Postmodern Message?, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Feminist Ideology Criticism and Biblical Hermeneutics, Sandra Marie Schneiders


John 21:1-14, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Spirituality in the Academy, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Hermeneutics, Sandra Marie Schneiders and Raymond E. Brown

Submissions from 1988


Foreword to Landscapes of the Sacred: Geography and Narrative in American Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Formation for New Forms of Religious Community Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Reflections on the History of Religious Life and Contemporary Development, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Religious Life: The Dialectic Between Marginality and Transformation, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1987


Born Anew, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Death in the Community of Eternal Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Evangelical Equality: Religious Consecration, Mission, and Witness Part 2, Sandra Marie Schneiders

John of the Cross, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Response to ‘Are We Lovers Anymore?’, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Scripture and Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Self-Determination and Self-Direction in Religious Communities, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1986


Evangelical Equality: Religious Consecration, Mission, and Witness Part 1, Sandra Marie Schneiders

New Skins: A Legacy for the Third Millennium, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Prophetic Consciousness: Obedience and Dissent in the Religious Life, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Theology and Spirituality: Strangers, Rivals, or Partners?, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1985


Critics Corner: Church and Biblical Scholarship in Dialogue, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1984

Cultural Influences on the Project of Ministerial Collaboration, Sandra Marie Schneiders


God’s Word for God’s People, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Horizons in Spiritual Direction, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1983


New Testament Foundations for Preaching by the Non-Ordained, Sandra Marie Schneiders

New Testament Reflections on Peace and Nuclear Arms., Sandra Marie Schneiders


The Effects of Women’s Experience on Their Spirituality, Sandra Marie Schneiders


The Face Veil: A Johannine Sign (John 20:1-10), Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1982


Conversion to Discipleship, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Prophetic Consciousness in the Contemporary Church, Sandra Marie Schneiders


The Paschal Imagination: Objectivity and Subjectivity in New Testament Interpretation, Sandra Marie Schneiders


The Women Theologian and the Ideal of Christian Wisdom, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Women and Power in the Church: A New Testament Reflection, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Women in the Fourth Gospel and the Role of Women in the Contemporary Church, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1981

Freedom: Response and Responsibility: The Vocation of the Biblical Scholar in the Church, Sandra Marie Schneiders


From Exegesis to Hermeneutics: The Problem of the Contemporary Meaning of Scripture, Sandra Marie Schneiders


The Foot Washing (John 13:1-20): An Experiment in Hermeneutics, Sandra Marie Schneiders

The Ministry of the Word and Contemporary Catholic Education, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Theological Trends: Ministry and Ordination II, The Ordination of Women, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1980


Theological Trends: Ministry and Ordination I, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Towards a Contemporary Theology of Religious Obedience, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1979

Vow, (Practice and Theology), Sandra Marie Schneiders


Women and Priestly Ministry: The New Testament Evidence, Sandra Marie Schneiders and Catholic Biblical Association of America. Task Force

Submissions from 1978


Faith, Hermeneutics, and the Literal Sense of Scripture, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Liturgy and Spirituality--The Widening Gap, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Reflections on Commitment in the Gospel According to John, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1977


A Contemporary Theology of the Vows, Sandra Marie Schneiders


Did Jesus Exclude Women from Priesthood?, Sandra Marie Schneiders

History and Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Symbolism and the Sacramental Principle in the Fourth Gospel, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1976


Christian Spirituality in the Gospel of John, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Christian Tradition on Women, Sandra Marie Schneiders

The Contemporary Ministry of Spiritual Direction, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1975

Auto-évangélisation des religieuses, Sandra Marie Schneiders

La Direction Spirituelle: Nature et Pratique, Sandra Marie Schneiders

La Direction Spirituelle: Relation Chrétienne, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1972

The ‘Return’ to Spiritual Direction, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1969

Celibacy--Creative Disengagement, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1968


Myth and Transcendence in Plato, Sandra Marie Schneiders

Submissions from 1967

Religious Death to the World in the Post-Conciliar Church, Sandra Marie Schneiders