Sociologists study social organization (structure) and shared meaning (culture) in human groups. We most often study the United States, but we do our work all over the world. Besides the United States, Sociology faculty at Santa Clara have lived and worked in Latin America, Asia, and Europe. At its conceptual heart, sociology studies the way in which patterns of shared meanings and systems of social organization are created, maintained, and transformed over time, and the consequences which result from those particular patterns of shared meaning and systems of social organization.


Submissions from 2005


Debating the Events of September 11th: Discursive and Interactional Dynamics in Three Online Fora, Laura Robinson

Submissions from 2004


Creating a Feminist Community on a Woman of Color Campus, Kia Lilly Caldwell and Margaret Hunter


Giving Students a Voice: Learning Through Autobiography, Laura Nichols


Hop on the Bus: Driving Stratification Concepts Home, Laura Nichols, Joshua Berry, and Demetra Kalogrides


Moving Beyond the Client Role: Helping Human Service Organizations Identify Program Participant’s Assets, Laura Nichols, Shannon Gleeson, and Sandra Figueroa

Submissions from 2003


The Woman is Not Always the Bad Guy: Resistance in the Discourse of Battered Women, Laura Nichols and Kathryn M. Feltey


Implications of Welfare Reform on Housing and School Instability, Laura Nichols and Barbara Gault

Submissions from 2002


Bridging and Bonding Capital: Pluralist Ethnic Relations in Silicon Valley, Marilyn Fernandez and Laura Nichols


Religion and Japanese Americans' Views of Their World War II Incarceration, Stephen S. Fugita and Marilyn Fernandez


Decentering the White and Male Standpoints in Race and Ethnicity Courses, Margaret Hunter


“If You're Light You're Alright”: Light Skin Color as Social Capital for Women of Color, Margaret Hunter


Rethinking epistemology, methodology, and racism: or, is White sociology really dead?, Margaret Hunter


Participatory Program Planning: Including Program Participants and Evaluators, Laura Nichols


Digitization, the Internet, and the Arts: eBay, Napster, SAG, and e-Books, Laura Robinson and David Halle

Submissions from 2001


The Significance of Skin Color Among African Americans and Mexican Americans, Margaret L. Hunter, Walter Allen, and Edward Telles

Submissions from 2000


Family Influences on Absenteeism: Testing an Expanded Process Model, Rebecca J. Erickson, Laura Nichols, and Christian Ritter

Submissions from 1999


The Only Thing You Really Got is this Minute: Homeless Women Re-visioning the Future, Kathryn M. Feltey and Laura Nichols


What about the White Women?: Racial Politics in a Women's Studies Classroom, Margaret Hunter and Kimberly D. Nettles


Involving students in the development of a peer education program for college women, Laura Nichols and Linda Lumley

Submissions from 1998


Asian Indian Americans in the Bay Area and the Glass Ceiling, Marilyn Fernandez


Self-Employment Rates of Asian Immigrant Groups: An Analysis of Intragroup and Intergroup Differences, Marilyn Fernandez and Kwang Chung Kim


Ecological Analysis of Program Impact: a Site Analysis of Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents in Illinois, Marilyn Fernandez and Holly S. Ruch-Ross


Colorstruck: Skin Color Stratification in the Lives of African American Women, Margaret Hunter


Trends in Asian American Racial/Ethnic Intermarriage: A Comparison of 1980 and 1990 Census Data, Sharon Lee and Marilyn Fernandez

Submissions from 1997


Domestic Violence by Extended Family Members in India: Interplay of Gender and Generation, Marilyn Fernandez


Dependency and Severity of Abuse: Impact on Women's Persistence in Utilizing the Court System as Protection Against Domestic Violence, Marilyn Fernandez, Kichiro Iwamoto, and Bernadette Muscat

Submissions from 1996


Ecological Approach in Practice: A Case Study of the Ounce of Prevention Fund, Marilyn Fernandez and Laura Nichols

Submissions from 1994


Liberation of Asian American Women: An Uncertain Quest, Proshanta Nandi and Marilyn Fernandez

Submissions from 1993


Ethnicity and Effects of Age Gap Between Unmarried Adolescent Mothers and Partners, Marilyn Fernandez, Holly S. Ruch-Ross, and Anne P. Montague

Submissions from 1992


Alcohol Use, Abuse, and Dependency in Shanghai, Chang-Hua Wang, William T. Liu, Ming-Yuan Zhang, Elena S.H Yu, Zheng-Yi Xia, Marilyn Fernandez, Ching-Tung Lung, Chang-Lin Xu, and Guang-Ya Qu

Submissions from 1989


Intra-Group Differences in Business Participation: Three Asian Immigrant Groups, Kwang Chung Kim, Won Moo Hurh, and Marilyn Fernandez