"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 42 Number 4, Spring 2001" by Santa Clara University



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3 - EL SOL SHINED IN 1968 STUDENT ELECTIONS By Adam Breen. During the 1968 campus elections, an electrical engineering student felt the student body was too apathetic, so he ran for dictator to spur interest. He could have been king, but instead had himself "assassinated " for a greater cause.

12 - DOUBLE LIVES By Susan Vogel. An economic boom in Silicon Valley created opportunities, jobs, and wealth-but those who work here often can't afford to live here. What are employees and employers doing about it?

16 - THE GLACIER PRIEST By Jeff Kunkel. Bernard Hubbard, S.J., was more than a great storyteller and showman. He was a serious researcher, friend to native Alaskan people, and true missionary of his faith.

Publication Date

Spring 2001


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2001.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Adam Breen

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 42 Number 4, Spring 2001



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