"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 43 Number 1, Summer 2001" by Santa Clara University



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2 - 150TH ANNIVERSARY MEMORIES In honor of SCU's sesquicentennial year, alumni reflect on their Bronco experiences.

4 - "SHEN FU" LEARNED THE GRACE OF ANGER By Tennant Wright, S.J. A friend shares his memories of Philip Oliger, S.J., who taught him that "passion is the sign that we are alive."

14 - WINGING IT By Adam Breen. Professor Bill Stover is a volunteer pilot for The Flying Doctors, a humanitarian group that brings free basic health and dental care to underprivileged communities in Mexico.

18 - SAVING GRACE By Elizabeth Kelly Gillogly '93. Santa Clara University's 150 years come to life in the rich collection of letters, photos, documents, and artifacts preserved in the University Archives.

Publication Date

Summer 2001


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2001.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 43 Number 1, Summer 2001



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