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12 - ROMANCING THE WATER Sam Scott '96. Rigorous training and mandatory practice test the athletes' - and coach's - mettle as a father passes the oar to his son, continuing a proud SCU tradition.
18 - A FAMILY MATTER By Tegan M. McLane. An innovative program in the business school opens the door to frank, incisive communication among family members whose kinship extends to the business world.
22 - POSTCARDS FROM GUATEMALA By Tegan M. McLane. For the third year, a group of faculty and staff journey to the outback of Guatemala. As observers and recorders, they learn much from the natives they meet.
28 - FLOODBUSTERS Susan Frey. Contrary to the staid image engineering might connote, Central Valley civil engineers dash off to save their world from impending disaster.
Publication Date
Spring 1998
Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 1998.
Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Ann Granning Bennett
Recommended Citation
Santa Clara University, "Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 40 Number 1,Spring 1998" (1998). Santa Clara Magazine. 87.

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Arts and Humanities Commons, Business Commons, Education Commons, Engineering Commons, Law Commons, Life Sciences Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons, Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons