"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 39 Number 4, Winter 1998" by Santa Clara University



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10 - INSIDE OUT Francisco Jimenez, chairman of the University's Modern Languages and Literatures Department, recalls his grade-school days and immigrant family.

14 - FROM HALLOWED TO HIP Connie Hinckley, East Bay writer, examines the media's many-faceted portrayals of the priesthood, especially the controversial Father Ray of Nothing Sacred.

20 - SANTA CLARA'S ADOBE LEGACY Susan Vogel, San Francisco author and publisher, traces the history of the Adobe Lodge and describes its many roles in the life of the University.

26 - UNCOVERING THE REGION'S RICH PAST As the University clears land for new buildings, SCU archeologists and Native American representatives take care to preserve the ancient past.

Publication Date

Winter 1998


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 1998.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Ann Granning Bennett

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 39 Number 4, Winter 1998



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