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9 - HOW SCU ALUMS PUT CLINTON IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT Before there was a President Clinton, there was a long-shot campaign energized by SCU grads. In Ride Around America, White House Press Sec retary Dec Dee Myers '83 details some decisive days on the road to Washington (page 10). Voting the Unthinkable: Why Silicon Valley Got on the Clinton-Gore Bus by Susan Frey describes how Apple's Dave Barram MBA '73 convinced high-tech Republicans to take a chance on Clinton (page 14).

16 - HIV-POSITIVE One of every 250 Americans is infected with the AIDS-causing human immunodeficiency virus. This chilling, first-person account is a reminder that you or someone you love could be a victim. By Dee Danna "68 (MBA '72)

22 - WHO WILL THRIVE IN THE POST-INDUSTRIAL AGE? Knowledge explosion is transforming society and demanding creative individuals who can redefine their social and occupational roles. By Charles H. Powers

28 - THE EYE OF THE STORM Social and cultural forces will shake the U.S. Catholic Church. By William C. Spohn. S.J .

31 - UP CLOSE: JANET FLAMMANG Women are changing the face of U.S. politics, says the first woman to chair SCU's Political Science Department. By Christine Spielberger '69

Publication Date

Spring 1993


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Elise Banducci

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 35 Number 2, Spring 1993



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