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9 - MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS When people come together to make a family, the result is a holy union of imperfection. By Mitch Finley '73

12 - THE CLEANUP ARMY A $l34 billion industry thrives on cleaning up what's hazardous to your health. Plus, is the environmental movement racist? By Susan Frey

20 - UP CLOSE: GERALD UELMEN SCU's law dean takes nothing more seriously than his field and his goals for the School of Law, yet he manages to find humor at almost every tum. By Sabrina Brown

24 - BEYOND 'THE SPHERE FOR WHICH SHE WAS INTENDED' Though Rome clings to traditional female models, the roles of U.S. women in the Church continue to evolve and grow. By Lisa Sowle Cahill '70

28 - DAVID & GOLIATH Maverick treasury bond trader Tom Baldwin '78 (MBA '79) competes against giant brokerage firms-and wins. By Paul Hennessy

31 - COMING HOME A special 20-year-reunion look at the class of 1973. By Claire Rudolf Murphy '73

Publication Date

Summer 1993


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Elise Banducci

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 35 Number 3, Summer 1993



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