"A comparative survey of job prospects for the period 1991-1996" by Matthew C. Bell and Adam S. Goodie

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Association for Psychological Science


How discouraging is the job market for young scientists these days? It seems that most scientists who have tried to land a job in· recent years can tell you, unambiguously, "Very." Are prospects bleaker for some experimental psychologists than for others? To us, it subjectively seemed so. In an effort to answer this question more rigorously. we analyzed issues of the APS Observer Employment Bulletin, published by the American Psychological Society, from 1991-1996. Admittedly, the number of classified ads for jobs in a specific category is only one index of the job prospects for that category, but it is a start.


Copyright © 1997 Association for Psychological Science. Reprinted with permission.

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Psychology Commons



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