Lead with Confidence and Conscience

How do you manage a company in a complex and turbulent business environment? Our flexible curriculum aims prepare you to think strategically, act responsibly, manage diverse teams, and stay at the forefront of innovation.

As the largest department in the business school, we offer core courses for all undergraduate business majors, MBA, and master’s programs. From learning to manage individual human resource issues to designing the organizational structure of a global company, the breadth of our program allows you to lead at any level.

Our undergraduate management majors take a rigorous foundation of courses to foster innovative ideas and efficiently work in a variety of organizational structures. We emphasize management as a deliberate practice wherein graduates are theoretically informed, technically skilled, and imbued with a sense of responsibility and care for all stakeholders and the public good. And there is no better place than Silicon Valley to learn about Entrepreneurship and Leading Innovative Organizations through our MBA concentrations.

You’ll take classes from faculty who actively balance scholarship with practice. They invite Silicon Valley executives into the classroom, engage in research that directly benefits local and global companies, serve in leadership roles for the Academy of Management, and hold editorial positions in our fields’ top journals.

Our graduates are highly desired by Silicon Valley firms because we train students to foster innovative ideas and efficiently work in a variety of organizational structures.


Submissions from 1994


An Updated Look at the Values and Expectations of Federal Government Executives, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt

Submissions from 1993


Monitoring and Performance: A Comparison of Computer and Supervisor Monitoring, Terri L. Griffith


Teaching Big Brother to be a team player: Computer monitoring and quality, Terri L. Griffith


Promises, pitfalls, and paradox: Cognitive elements in the implementation of new technology, Terri L. Griffith and Gregory B. Northcraft


The Leadership Practices of Effective RAs, Barry Z. Posner and Barbara Brodsky


Psychometric Properties of the Leadership Practices Inventory--Updated, Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes


Values Congruence and Differences Between the Interplay of Personal and Organizational Value Systems, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt

Submissions from 1992


Training engineers to be managers: a transition tension model, James L. Hall, J. Michael Munson, and Barry Z. Posner


Ethical Leaders: An Essay About Being in Love, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner


Building top management muscle in a slow growth environment: How different is better at Greyhound Financial Corporation, Gregory B. Northcraft, Terri L. Griffith, and Christina E. Shalley


Person-Organization Values Congruence: No Support for Individual Differences as a Moderating Influence, Barry Z. Posner


A leadership development instrument for college students, Barry Z. Posner and Barbara Brodsky

Factors in the Adoption and Use of an Electronic Communication System for MBA Students, Barry Z. Posner, Ronald Danielson, and Jackie Schmidt-Posner


Demographic Characteristics and Shared Values, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt


The Values of American Managers: An Update Updated, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt


Values of American Managers: Then and Now, Warren H. Schmidt and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1991


Antimicrobial therapy for otitis media with effusion ("secretory" otitis media), Erdem I. Cantekin, Timothy W. McGuire, and Terri L. Griffith


A process approach to the implementation of new technology, Paul S. Goodman and Terri L. Griffith


A First Look at the Benefits of Educational Benefits, Barry Z. Posner, James L. Hall, and J. Michael Munson

Submissions from 1990


The Credibility Factor: What Followers Expect From Their Leaders, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner


Leadership practices: an alternative to the psychological perspective, Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes

Australian and American Managerial Values: Subtle Differences, Barry Z. Posner and P. S. Low


A Longitudinal Investigation of the Work Preferences Among College Graduates, Barry Z. Posner and Gary N. Powell


Comparing the work values of engineers with managers, production, and clerical workers: A multivariate analysis, Zur Shapira and Terri L. Griffith

Submissions from 1989


Social loafing and social facilitation: An empirical test of the cognitive-motivational model of performance, Terri L. Griffith, Mark Fichman, and Richard L. Moreland


Performance Appraisal Systems: Matching Practice with Theory, James L. Hall, Barry Z. Posner, and Joseph W. Harder


Commitment to Career versus Family/Home Life: Effects of Sex, Sex-Role Identity, and Family Status, Gary N. Powell and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1988


Development and Validation of the Leadership Practices Inventory, Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes


Relating Leadership and Credibility, Barry Z. Posner and James M. Kouzes


Increasing the Effectiveness of Management Development via the Managerial Problems Survey, Barry Z. Posner, James M. Kouzes, and T. Roger Manley


What Every Manager Needs to Know About Project Management, Barry Z. Posner and W. Alan Randolph


Government Morale and Management: A Survey of Federal Executives, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt

Submissions from 1987


Managerial Values Across Functions: A Source of Organizational Problems, Barry Z. Posner, W. A. Randolph, and Warren H. Schmidt


Ethics in American Companies: A Managerial Perspective, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt


Values and Expectations of City Managers in California, Warren H. Schmidt and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1986


Telecommuting: Corporate practices and benefits, Terri L. Griffith and Paul S. Goodman


Using Managerial Problems in the Classroom, Barry Z. Posner


What's All the Fighting About? Conflicts in Project Management, Barry Z. Posner


People Are Our Most Important Asset -- But: Encouraging Employee Development, Barry Z. Posner, James L. Hall, and Joseph W. Harder


Values and Expectations of Federal Service Executives, Warren H. Schmidt and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1985


When are leaders at their best?, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

A Strategy for Interunit Problem Solving, Robert L. Phillips, Barry Z. Posner, and Duane D. Walker


Shared Values Make A Difference: An Empirical Test of Corporate Culture, Barry Z. Posner, James M. Kouzes, and Warren H. Schmidt


Female and Male Socialization Experiences: An Initial Investigation, Barry Z. Posner and Gary N. Powell


Can Applicants' Characteristics Explain the Sex Structuring of Organizations?, Barry Z. Posner, Jackie Schmidt-Posner, and W. Alan Randolph


Women: The More Committed Managers, Gary N. Powell, Barry Z. Posner, and Warren H. Schmidt

Submissions from 1984


Will Your Workers Sing The Company Song, James L. Hall, Joel K. Leidecker, and Barry Z. Posner

Values and the American Manager: An Update, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt

Excitement and Commitment: Keys to Project Success, Gary N. Powell and Barry Z. Posner


Sex Effects on Managerial Value Systems, Gary N. Powell, Barry Z. Posner, and Warren H. Schmidt

Submissions from 1983


The Availability and Helpfulness of Socialization Practices, Meryl R. Louis, Barry Z. Posner, and Gary N. Powell

Submissions from 1982


The Relationship Between Technology, Structure, and Self Supervision in Professional Service Organizations, Peter K. Mills and Barry Z. Posner


Determining Managerial Strategies in the Public Sector: What Kind of People Enter the Public and Private Sectors? An Updated Comparison of Perceptions, Stereotypes, and Values, Barry Z. Posner and Warren H. Schmidt


The Effects of an Intergroup Development OD Intervention as Conditioned by the Life Cycle Stage of Organizations: A Laboratory Experiment, W. Alan Randolph and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1981


Factorial Validity of England's Personal Values Questionnaire, J. Michael Munson and Barry Z. Posner


Comparing Recruiters, Student and Faculty Perceptions of Important Applicant and Job Characteristics, Barry Z. Posner


Comparing Value Systems of College Students, Faculty, and Corporate Recruiters, Barry Z. Posner and J. Michael Munson


Gender Differences in Managerial Values, Barry Z. Posner and J. Michael Munson


Psychometric Note on England's Personal Values Questionnaire, Barry Z. Posner and J. Michael Munson


Explaining Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity Via Individual and Interpersonal Variables in Different Job Categories, W. Alan Randolph and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1980


Discrimination in Recruitment: An Empirical Analysis, Shelby H. McIntyre, Dennis J. Moberg, and Barry Z. Posner


Preferential Treatment in Preselection Decisions According to Sex and Race, Shelby H. McIntyre, Dennis J. Moberg, and Barry Z. Posner


Concurrent Validation of Two Value Inventories in Predicting Job Classification and Success for Organizational Personnel, J. Michael Munson and Barry Z. Posner


The Factorial Validity of a Modified Rokeach Value Survey for Four Diverse Samples, J. Michael Munson and Barry Z. Posner


Survey of Exchange Readership, Barry Z. Posner


Understanding Change at a Personal Level, Barry Z. Posner


Moderators of Role Stress Among Hospital Employees, Barry Z. Posner and W. Alan Randolph


Managing Change: Attitudes, Targets, Problems and Strategies, Gary N. Powell and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1979


Task-Relevant Control in Organizations, D. Anthony Butterfield and Barry Z. Posner


The Values of Engineers and Managing Engineers, J. Michael Munson and Barry Z. Posner


Personal Correlates of Organization Control, Barry Z. Posner and D. Anthony Butterfield


The Importance of Values in Understanding Organizational Behavior, Barry Z. Posner and J. Michael Munson


Perceived Situations: Moderators of the Relationship Between Role Ambiguity, Job Satisfaction and Effectiveness, Barry Z. Posner and W. Alan Randolph


Designing Meaningful Learning Situations in Management: A Contingency, Decision Tree Approach, W. Alan Randolph and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1978


Correlates of Subordinate Attributions of Supervisory Influence, Barry Z. Posner and D. Anthony Butterfield


Role Clarity and Organizational Level, Barry Z. Posner and D. Anthony Butterfield


A Decision Tree Approach to Decide When to Use Different Pedagogical Techniques, Barry Z. Posner and W. Alan Randolph


Resistance to Change Reconsidered: Implication for Managers, Gary N. Powell and Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1976


Sustaining Healthy Organizations in Unhealthy Economic Times, Barry Z. Posner

Submissions from 1975


A New Ethic for Work? The Worth Ethic, Barry Z. Posner; W. Alan Randolph; and Max S, Wortman Jr.