"Numerical and Experimental Eigenmode Analysis of Low Porosity Auxetic " by Luca Francesconi, Michael Taylor et al.

Numerical and Experimental Eigenmode Analysis of Low Porosity Auxetic Structures

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Springer International Publishing


This study presents an evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of low porosity, ductile auxetic structures. Using time-averaged speckle interferometry and a specific experimental set-up, the eigenmodes and displacement fields of three low-porosity metallic auxetic samples were assessed and compared with the numerical simulations obtained using the commercial software Abaqus/Standard (Simulia Providence, RI). Guided by the finite element predictions, the eigenmode analysis was carried out by vibrating the specimens—each characterized by a different pore geometry—from 100 Hz to about 10 kHz analysing the structural response. A good agreement between the numerical calculations and the experimental results was found. This study not only validates the numerical-experimental approach used to analyse materials, but also to open a way to test and validate the performances of negative Poisson’s ratio structures and meta-materials in general applications. Furthermore, the findings of this work provides a new convincing and reliable experimental data, enlarge the knowledge about the elastic instabilities in metallic auxetic structures, supporting their use in critical applications.

Chapter of

Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics

Part of

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series


Sanichiro Yoshida
Luciano Lamberti
Cesar Sciammarella
