"Feast AND Famine: A statewide science serial collection assessment in" by Tina E. Chrzastowski, Chew Chiat Naun et al.

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American Library Association


In 2004, a group of Illinois librarians was awarded a research grant to assess the state of Illinois’ science serial collection. This collection assessment focused on academic libraries in the state, specifically those participating in the Consortium of Academic Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), but also including another 10 academic libraries in the state that do not belong to the consortium. Current serial subscription data were collected through both automated and manual means and the analysis was conducted in conjunction with Ulrich’s Serials Analysis System. Due to cataloging limitations and issues surrounding different ISSNs for print and electronic formats, the study centered on current (as of spring 2005) print serial subscriptions. Results found that well over half of the state’s print serial subscriptions were Illinois’ “last copy” and another 13 percent were at risk, with only two copies owned in the state. And while most titles were limited to one print copy within Illinois, other titles have wide accessibility and duplication at a high cost to the state.


© Copyright 2007, American Library Association. doi:10.5860/crl.68.6.517



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