"Big Ship, Small Rudder: Articulating a Clear Vision for Archives and S" by Nadia Nasr

Big Ship, Small Rudder: Articulating a Clear Vision for Archives and Special Collections

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2016


Society of American Archivists


Acquisition of materials housed in Archives & Special Collections (A&SC) at Santa Clara University (SCU) has been ongoing for almost 250 years. However, library correspondence from 1994 denotes hesitation over making a “REAL decision on whether or not we should be in this business.” Almost fifteen years later the Library opened a new building with a suite of facilities for administering special collections and a task force assembled to review holdings and set strategic priorities for this area. More recent changes in both the Library and the A&SC department have renewed the need for the Library to articulate a clear vision for its unique collections in keeping with its vision as a vibrant and vital center for learning.Acquisition of materials housed in Archives & Special Collections (A&SC) at Santa Clara University (SCU) has been ongoing for almost 250 years. However, library correspondence from 1994 denotes hesitation over making a “REAL decision on whether or not we should be in this business.” Almost fifteen years later the Library opened a new building with a suite of facilities for administering special collections and a task force assembled to review holdings and set strategic priorities for this area. More recent changes in both the Library and the A&SC department have renewed the need for the Library to articulate a clear vision for its unique collections in keeping with its vision as a vibrant and vital center for learning.


This is the article version of the panel presentation given at the Annual General Meeting of the Society of California Archivists (the theme/title for this year's conference was "Evolution and Innovation"). The presentation was for session 10, "Visions and Realities in Special Collections."
