
Visibility and Intentionality: Assessing the Research Process through Student Research Narratives

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



California Academic & Research Libraries


Small innovations at Marymount College (California) are leading to far reaching assessment and curricular reforms of the information literacy (IL) program within the institution. A key tool to these reformations has been the student research narrative - a seemingly simple, yet potentially very powerful pedagogical and assessment tool. Use of these narratives allows educators to pivot information literacy assessment away from examining exclusively end products (e.g. final papers) -- which obscure whether the critical thinking skills espoused by the ACRL standards are actually being exercised -- to piloting assessments that allow us to encourage and evidence student thinking about their research process. In this session participants learned about the value of research narratives to learners and educators alike, they compared evidence of student learning in end products versus research narratives, and they acquired strategies for how to launch this pedagogy collaboratively with writing faculty at their own institutions.


Creativity and Sustainability:
Fostering User-centered Innovation in Difficult Times

CARL Conference, Thursday April 5th - Saturday April 7th 2012
San Diego Marriot Mission Valley, San Diego, California
