About this Conference

Bridging Campus and Community:
Libraries Transforming the Student Experience through Service Learning

August 7-8, 2017
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

Join us for the 2017 Colloquium on Libraries & Service Learning!

Conference Focus:

The intended community for this colloquium includes all who are interested in current and potential partnerships among academic librarians, faculty who teach service learning courses, service learning professionals and community partners. The colloquium is designed to facilitate the sharing of research, ideas, perspectives and best practices in library engagement with/in academic service learning.

The planning committee welcomes proposals on any aspect of libraries and service learning.

Session topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • The Student Experience: Student engagement/career readiness, student learning outcomes/ ACRL Information Literacy Frames
  • Case Studies: Service-learning throughout the disciplines, innovative programs/collaborations, international service learning (international contexts and/or international students)
  • Community Partners: Campus and community outreach/reciprocal partnerships
  • Assessment: Accreditation, retention, demonstrating the library’s value, institutional priorities
  • Research: Action research, engagement scholarship

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