"Weaving a Wide Net: An Integrated Model for Combating Campus Homophobi" by Linda Garber

Weaving a Wide Net: An Integrated Model for Combating Campus Homophobia and Heterosexism

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Taylor & Francis


Any single approach tostudents' heterosexism and homophobia, however well conceived and executed, is most successful when supported by an integrated campus approach to the problem. Taking as a model the multifaceted efforts at California State University, Fresno-a large public institution located in what can be considered the state's Bible Belt-this essay discusses the strengths and logistics of a campus-wide program to address homophobia and alleviate LGBTQ students' feelings of alienation from the institution and their oppression in society. The efforts of CSUF take place at a number of different levels-classroom, academic department, student services, faculty networking-and can be considered a successful work in progress.
