The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners, 3rd Edition
Edward F. McQuarrie
In an Internet age, many more people than ever before are involved in the design and conduct of market research. This book provides an overview for busy managers and MBA students seeking a place to begin. It shows how to think about market research in the context of business decisions, describes the essential market research techniques, skills, and applications, and pays special attention to business-to-business markets and technology products.
Perishable Inventory Systems
Steven Nahmias
A perishable item is one that has constant utility up until an expiration date (which may be known or uncertain), at which point the utility drops to zero. This includes many types of packaged foods such as milk, cheese, processed meats, and canned goods. It also includes virtually all pharmaceuticals and photographic film, as well as whole blood supplies. This book is the first devoted solely to perishable inventory systems.
The book’s ten chapters first cover the preliminaries of periodic review versus continuous review and look at a one-period newsvendor perishable inventory model. The author moves to the basic multiperiod dynamic model, and then considers the extensions of random lifetime, inclusion of a set-up cost, and multiproduct models of perishables. A chapter on continuous review models looks at one-for-one policies, models with zero lead time, optimal policies with positive lead time, and an alternative approach.
Additional chapters present material on approximate order policies, inventory depletion management, and deterministic models, including the basic EOQ model with perishability and the dynamic deterministic model with perishability. Finally, chapters explore decaying inventories, queues with impatient customers, and blood bank inventory control.
Anyone researching perishable inventory systems will find much to work with here. Practitioners and consultants will also now have a single well-referenced source of up-to-date information to work with. -
Black California: A Literary Anthology
Aparajita Nanda
150 years of the California African American experience
Black California is the first comprehensive anthology celebrating black writing through almost two centuries of Californian history. In a patchwork quilt pieced from poetry, fiction, essays, drama, and memoirs, this anthology traces the trajectory of African American writers. Each piece gives a voice to the resonating rhythms that created the African American literary tradition in California. These voices speak of dreams and disasters, of heroic achievements and tragic failures, of freedom and betrayal, of racial discrimination and subsequent restoration all setting the pulse of the black California experience. Early works include a letter written by Pao Pico, the last Mexican governor of California; an excerpt from mountain man, freed slave, and honorary Crow Indian James Beckwourth; and a poem written by James Madison Bell and recited to a public gathering of black people commemorating the death of President Lincoln. More recent contributions include pieces from beat poets Ted Joans and Bob Kaufman, Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver, comedian Brian Copeland, and feminists Lucille Clifton and June Jordan.
Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: A Decade of Crisis, 2002-2012
Thomas G. Plante PhD, ABPP and Kathleen L. McChesney
Taking on a still-controversial topic, a diverse group of experts, including victims and clergy, offers reflections on the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, examining what the church has done―and what it still needs to do―to protect children.
Women and the law stories
Elizabeth Schneider and Stephanie M. Wildman
This book examines landmark cases establishing women’s legal rights, offering accounts of the litigants, history, parties, strategies, and theoretical implications. It will enrich any law school course and can serve as a text for a course on women and the law, gender and law, feminist jurisprudence, or women’s studies. This volume utilizes subject areas common to many women and law casebooks: history, constitutional law, reproductive freedom, the workplace, the family, and women in the legal profession. Several chapters explore issues of domestic violence and rape.
Prophets in Their Own Country: Women Religious Bearing Witness to the Gospel in a Troubled Church
Sandra M. Schneiders
These reflections, based on a series published in The National Catholic Reporter, were inspired by the Vatican s announcement of an Apostolic Visitation of U.S. Women Religious from 2009-2011. Given the unmistakable imputation of guilt, the launch of this investigation was troubling to many women religious. Schneiders uses this occasion to articulate anew the meaning of Religious Life, the biblical theology underlying it, the reasons for the renewal undertaken after Vatican II, and the forms of apostolic Religious Life that have developed through this renewal. While her introduction tells the story of the investigation and the response it has generated, the following essays offer an eloquent and inspiring assessment and apologia for Religious Life today and in the future. It is a book addressed to all members of the church, calling us to live our faith in a spirit of integrity, freedom, and courage.
Risk Service Engineering: Informationsmodelle für das Risikomanagement
Michael Shermann
Der effektive Umgang mit Risiken gehört zu den elementaren Voraussetzungen erfolgreichen unternehmerischen Handelns. Michael Schermann präsentiert eine Modellierungsmethode, die Risikomanager bei der systematischen Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Risikosteuerung unterstützt. Im Kern steht das Konzept der Risk Services als spezifische Dienstleistungen zur Sicherung des Wertbeitrags des Informationsmanagements. Als Fundament der Methodenentwicklung dient eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit gängigen Konzepten des Risikomanagements.
Expeditions in Mathematics
Tatiana Shubin, David F. Hayes, and Gerald L. Alexanderson
This book is the second volume based on lectures for pre-college students given by prominent mathematicians in the Bay Area Mathematical Adventures (BAMA). This book reflects the flavor of the BAMA lectures and the excitement they have generated among the high school and middle school students in the Silicon Valley. The topics cover a wide range of mathematical subjects each treated by a leading proponent of the subject at levels designed to challenge and attract students whose mathematical interests are just beginning. In addition, the treatments given here will intrigue and enchant a more mature mathematician. It is hoped that the publication of these lectures will expose students outside of the San Francisco Bay Area to interesting mathematical topics and treatments outside of their normal experience in the classroom. Mathematical educators are encouraged to offer the students in their own localities similar opportunities to come into contact with exciting adventures in mathematics.
International law in the U.S. Supreme Court: continuity and change.
David L. Sloss, Michael D. Ramsey, and William S. Dodge
From its earliest decisions in the 1790s, the U.S. Supreme Court has used international law to help resolve major legal controversies. This book presents a comprehensive account of the Supreme Court's use of international law from the Court's inception to the present day. Addressing treaties, the direct application of customary international law, and the use of international law as an interpretive tool, the book examines all the cases or lines of cases in which international law has played a material role, showing how the Court's treatment of international law both changed and remained consistent over the period. Although there was substantial continuity in the Supreme Court's international law doctrine through the end of the nineteenth century, the past century was a time of tremendous doctrinal change. Few aspects of the Court's international law doctrine remain the same in the twenty-first century as they were two hundred years ago.
What Investors Really Want: Know What Drives Investor Behavior and Make Smarter Financial Decisions
Meir Statman
Combining the new field of behavioral finance with the real world of investing, this engaging new book explores the mind-sets and motivations behind the major money decisions--and most common mistakes―that investors make every day. With insider's insight, and a storyteller's voice, behavioral finance expert Meir Statman reveals What Investors Really Want . . . Investors want bigger profits with lower risks. How our desire for free investment lunches can leave us with no lunches. Investors want to play and win. How our desire to win the investment game can turn us into losersInvestors want to save money for tomorrow and spend it today. How we struggle between spending too much and spending too little. Investors want status, respect, and social responsibility. How to know what's really important in life. Investors do not want to face financial losses. How to recognize and confront the regret that accompanies losses.
You'll also learn how age, gender, genetics, and personality affect your investment decisions and how people of different countries and cultures think about risks and returns, poverty, and wealth. You'll discover how behavioral finance provides key insights into the behavior that has rocked investment markets in recent years. And, most important, you'll learn to recognize the desires, thoughts, and emotions that drive your own investment decisions--so you can drive better on your road to investment success.
Cambodia's hidden scars: trauma psychology in the wake of the Khmer Rouge: an edited volume on Cambodia's mental health.
Beth Van Schaack, Daryn Reicherter, Youk Chhang, and Autumn Talbott
The Khmer Rouge Standing Committee aimed to ensure compliance and eliminate dissent by oppressing the people through psychological dominance. The defilement of Khmer religion, Khmer art, Khmer familiar relations, and the Khmer social class structure undermined deeply-held societal assumptions. The Khmer Rouge also destabilized the mass psychology that was secure in those realities. Cambodia's psychology was thus altered in damaging and enduring ways. In societies that experience war and genocide, trauma significantly impacts the people's psychology. The ripple effects of this damage are often incalculable. There are well-established statistics demonstrating a higher prevalence of trauma-related mental health disorders in post-conflict societies. this book considers the mental health implications of the Khmer Rouge era among the Cambodia populace. Specialists in trauma mental health discuss the increased rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression, among other major mental health disorders, in the country. They also discusses the staggering burden of such a high prevalence of societal mental illness on a post-conflict society. Legal experts discuss the way in which the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia can better accommodate victims and witnesses who are traumatized to avoid re-traumatization and to ensure a meaningful experience with justice. The text also offers a set of recommendations for addressing the widespread mental health issues within the society.
La masacre de los soñadores
Juan Velasco
En este libro -en realidad una novela en verso-, rindo homenaje a héroes como Toro Sentado, el salvaje Oeste, e incluso a Buffalo Bill, que vienen a nosotros a través de las imágenes horribles creadas por dos niños que intentan sobrevivir a la dolorosa experiencia de su infancia. El carácter de Buffalo Bill siempre fue especialmente fascinante para mí. Para E.E. Cummings, Buffalo Bill simboliza y encarna la muerte y la destrucción. El crítico David Ray declaró que este personaje simboliza la destrucción de la tierra, la destrucción de la cultura de los indígenas, la infancia del poeta y, en muchos sentidos, Cummings, culpó a Buffalo Bill 'por decepcionar tanto sus expectativas de niñez como las de América, por su claudicación ante un mundo sórdido de valores degradados.' En mi libro de poemas, uno de los niños, Custodio, asume el papel de testigo de su peripecia y el reto de trasladar al papel esas visiones. Poco a poco, paso a paso, descubre no sólo las pesadillas de los westerns, sino que llega a un pacto con la propia realidad de su infancia. En definitiva, estos poemas son un homenaje a los supervivientes, a la escritura y al poder de la creatividad para transformar el sufrimiento en belleza, el caos en conocimiento. Ron Hansen, en la introducción del libro, escribe: 'tanto [Juan y yo] somos fans de las 'Obras Completas' de Billy el Niño, de Michael Ondaatje, que narra cómo el famoso forajido fue abatido por el sheriff Pat Garrett en 1881 en la frontera de Estados Unidos. Pero los poemas de Juan son más aterradores, trágicos y desgarradores por ser, como los sueños mismos, tan aparentemente reales como extraños y también por ser tan profundamente percibidos y sufridos a través de la imaginación desbocada de los niños.'
In this book - actually a novel in verse - I pay tribute to heroes like Sitting Bull, the Wild West, and even Buffalo Bill, who come to us through the horrible images created by two children trying to survive the painful childhood experience. The character of Buffalo Bill was always especially fascinating to me. For E.E. Cummings, Buffalo Bill symbolizes and embodies death and destruction. Critic David Ray stated that this character symbolizes the destruction of the land, the destruction of the culture of the indigenous people, the poet's childhood and, in many ways, Cummings, blamed Buffalo Bill 'for disappointing both his childhood expectations and the of America, for its surrender to a sordid world of degraded values.' In my book of poems, one of the children, Custodio, assumes the role of witness to his adventures and the challenge of transferring those visions to paper. Little by little, step by step, he discovers not only the nightmares of Westerns, but also comes to terms with the reality of his childhood. Ultimately, these poems are a tribute to survivors, to writing, and to the power of creativity to transform suffering into beauty, chaos into knowledge. Ron Hansen, in the book's introduction, writes: 'Both [John and I] are fans of Michael Ondaatje's 'The Complete Works' of Billy the Kid, which tells how the famous outlaw was shot down by Sheriff Pat Garrett in 1881. on the United States border. But Juan's poems are more terrifying, tragic and heartbreaking for being, like dreams themselves, as apparently real as they are strange and also for being so deeply perceived and suffered through the unbridled imagination of children.'
Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases
Manuel G. Velasquez
The ethical landscape of business is constantly changing, and the new edition of Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases has been revised to keep pace with those changes most effecting business: accelerating globalization, constant technological updates, proliferating of business scandals.
Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases introduces the reader to the ethical concepts that are relevant to resolving moral issues in business; imparts the reasoning and analytical skills needed to apply ethical concepts to business decisions; identifies moral issues specific to a business; provides an understanding of the social, technological, and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise; and supplies case studies of actual moral conflicts faced by businesses.
This Books á la Carte Edition is an unbound, three-hole punched, loose-leaf version of the textbook and provides students the opportunity to personalize their book by incorporating their own notes and taking only the portion of the book they need to class – all at a fraction of the bound book price.
Teaching and Learning Experience
Personalize Learning - MyThinkingLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed, provides engaging experiences that personalize learning, and comes from a trusted partner with educational expertise and a deep commitment to helping students and instructors achieve their goals.
Improve Critical Thinking - Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases provides summaries of basic ideas discussed within the text in its margins; presents conceptual materials first, and then offers discussion cases second through standardized chapters; all providing students the chance to critically think about the material they are learning.
Engage Students - Study questions at the beginning of each chapter, definitions of key terms in the margins, a glossary, chapter-end study and discussion questions, end-of-chapter web resources, and chapter-opening concrete examples / cases all ensure students’ complete understanding of the material.
Support Instructors - Teaching your course just got easier! You can create a Customized Text or use our Instructor’s Manual, Electronic “MyTest” Test Bank or PowerPoint Presentation Slides
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