How Not to Say Mass: A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal (3rd Edition)
Dennis C. Smolarski, SJ (Author)
This popular book, revised in accord with the 2002 General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the new translation of the Mass, encourage the authentic celebration of the renewed encharistic liturgy. How Not to Say Mass looks first at general principles for liturgy, for understanding symbols, and for being a presider. Examining the Mass, section by section, using the approach of via-negative-focusing on what not to do-the author reminds presiders and liturgy coordinators of the many obvious, but sometimes unconscious, violations of rubrics and liturgical principles that can be dicrimental to the celebration of good effective liturgy
Publication Date
Paulist Press
Catholic Studies | Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Recommended Citation
Smolarski, Dennis C. SJ, "How Not to Say Mass: A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal (3rd Edition)" (2015). Faculty Book Gallery. 617.
Previous editions and translations:
Dennis C. Smolarski, s.j., How Not To Say Mass: A Guidebook For All Concerned About Authentic Worship, New York: Paulist Press, 1986.
Dennis C. Smolarski, s.j., How not to Say Mass (Revised Edition): A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal, New York: Paulist Press, 2003.
Dennis C. Smolarski, S.J., How not to Say Mass (Chinese translation), Taipei City: Chinese Regional Bishops' Conference, 2011.
Dennis C. Smolarski, S.J., Como No Decir La Misa, Barcelona: Centre de Pastoral Liturgica de Barcelona, 1989 (Dossiers CPL no. 41). Translation of How not To Say Mass (Alberto Roman, C.M., transl.).