"Adapting early childhood curricula for children with disabilities and " by Ruth E. Cook, M. Diane Klein et al.
Adapting early childhood curricula for children with disabilities and special needs (10th Edition)

Adapting early childhood curricula for children with disabilities and special needs (10th Edition)


Ruth E. Cook (Author)

M. Diane Klein (Author)

Deborah Chen (Author)



Practical understanding and realistic curricular adaptations for ensuring the successful inclusion of students with special needs, ages three to eight

Adapting Early Childhood Curricula for Children with Disabilities and Special Needs uses a developmental focus, rather than a disability orientation, to discuss typical and atypical child development and curricular adaptations. The integrated, non-categorical approach assumes that children are more alike than different in their development. The inclusive focus assumes that attitudes, environments, and intervention strategies can be adapted so that all young children with disabilities or other special needs can be included. An essential text for today, and a valuable resource to take into the classroom tomorrow, this practical guide provides daily activities, evidence-based how-to strategies, and realistic lesson modifications that help facilitate truly inclusive classrooms. Aspiring educators will also learn to develop their collaboration and problem-solving skills to effectively work with families, colleagues, and paraprofessionals in supporting every child’s positive development. The 10th Edition is updated to include enhanced discussions on working with families, children, and professionals of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and lifestyles; new tips for integrating Division for Early Childhood Recommended Practices; updated requirements for writing IEP goals and recommendations; and more.



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Curriculum and Instruction | Education

Adapting early childhood curricula for children with disabilities and special needs (10th Edition)
