Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Maria Kyrarini


With the reduced amount of availability of a labor force for non-technical tasks, service robotics has grown to be used in place of human labor to handle these tasks. There have been various studies on the impact of using robotics in a sociological context. The use of service robots in a social and labor environment recognizes the need of cohesive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). In this senior design project, we delve into the thought process of using a service robot in place of a human for tasks that are normally reserved for humans. These tasks outline design considerations when performing emotional-centric activities and the need to deliver an effective and efficient service. Codenamed as Project Hermes, we developed a guided tour robot that will provide an interactive routine. Using the robot’s array of sensors and motors, the routine consists of navigating from one room to another, providing an audible explanation of each room, answering visitor questions, and moving on. With the robot’s embedded microphones, the robot is capable of limited interactions with humans, providing feedback and performing tasks accordingly. Once the core functionalities are developed, Hermes will be evaluated in a real-world environment to garner data and feedback. With all these considerations in hand, the design of the service robot needs to cover many of these areas for our framework. To address this need, we outline the ideas and considerations for the task.
