"50 Years After Brown v. Board of Education: The Promise and Challenge " by Sabrina Zirkel and Nancy Cantor

Educational Leadership

50 Years After Brown v. Board of Education: The Promise and Challenge of Multicultural Education

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The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues / John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


We discuss the legacy of Brown for today's students and today's schools, and find that legacy is more psychological than legal. The decision does more to highlight issues of equity in education and how that influences students' identity, motivation, and aspirations than it does help us find legal means of addressing these concerns. The manuscripts presented in this issue articulate how today's students experience these issues. The manuscripts focus on several important aspects of interethnic contact in education: the processes by which interethnic contact leads to attitude and behavior change towards outgroup members, the effect of racial and ethnic integration on educational and developmental outcomes for students of color, and the promise that multicultural multiracial educational environments hold for all students.
