Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2024


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Behnam Dezfouli

Second Advisor

Yuhong Liu


Developing solutions to secure IoT devices is a pressing issue facing us today. Although IoT devices improve everyday life in various ways, they are susceptible to security threats, impacting users in all environments. As the number of IoT devices increases, the attack surface expands exponentially. However, securing these devices proves to be a challenge because they are made with limited processing capabilities, which means they lack necessary security features. They also come in a wide range of variations in terms of operating systems, physical design, and network connectivity which complicates the establishment of standardized security options. Additionally, they tend to have long lifespans, leading to the continued use of older devices that may not receive necessary software updates or security patches, making them more vulnerable to security threats. Although commercial grade solutions are available, these premium products are expensive and not geared towards accessibility. Our project addresses this gap by providing a security solution that uses network microsegmentation with VLANs to manage and secure IoT devices in smaller network settings. IoTsolate offers a cost-effective, accessible, and scalable approach to enhancing IoT security for everyday users and small businesses, and it can also be used for research purposes.

Available for download on Saturday, July 19, 2025
