"U.F.E.E.L: Understanding Feelings Effectively & Enhancing Life: A Ment" by Paul Jin, Bobby Kresge et al.

Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - SCU Access Only


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2020.


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Silvia Figueira


Imagine that you lose a loved one to suicide. You never saw it coming. You know nothing about why that person took his or her life. The person showed no signs of potential suicide, and you are left with questioning yourself and believing that you could have possibly done something to save their life. Mental illness kills silently. Many people, especially the youth, who are affected by mental health issues are confined by social stigmas around exposing one’s emotions and state of mind. As a result, many friends and family experience the above scenario. We wish to break this stigma and help people suffering from mental illnesses connect and reach out for help from those who are willing to listen. In this design report, we outline a mobile application that will allow users to connect to mental health resources at Santa Clara University as well as provide the necessary tools for recovery.
