"Sustainability Action Tracker" by Gladys Hilerio, Isabelle Termaat et al.

Date of Award


Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2020.


Computer Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Silvia Figueira


The Center for Sustainability at Santa Clara University is actively looking for ways to involve students in sustainable actions and accountability. With our help, they would like to create a site where students and faculty may track their sustainable behavior. This site will provide users with all the information they need to live a sustainable life, and include milestones in the form of progress bars and badges. The Center for Sustainability will be able to collect the data from this site to evaluate the progress of our university as well as the success of the site. Our motivation for this project is the urgency around raising awareness about the critical state of the environment. This project is necessary for the University to track their progress with their mission of creating a ’more just and sustainable world’.
