Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

First Advisor

Hisham Said

Second Advisor

Sukhmander Singh


Our names are Kelsi Rice and Wyatt Rich. We are Seniors at Santa Clara University and are majoring in Civil, Sustainable and Environmental Engineering. Within our senior year at Santa Clara, it is a requirement that we complete a Senior Design Project. Our Senior Design Project is fire hardening the City of South Lake Tahoe’s (City) utility lines. The last few months we have been analyzing the City's current utility infrastructure and the potential for new utility services to be implemented throughout the City. We have conducted an alternatives analysis to determine that the City of South Lake Tahoe is an ideal candidate for this project given the terrain of the City and the risk of public safety if a wildfire were to run rampant through the City. Our team believes, through our utilities analysis and the implementation of our proposed utility infrastructure, that we can provide the City with a solution for fire hardening its current utility infrastructure to promote life safety as well as property safety to its residents while minimizing cost.
