Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type



Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2023.


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering

First Advisor

Rachel He

Second Advisor

Rocio Segura

Third Advisor

Laura Doyle
Hisham Said


In this report, a detailed design of a Sustainable, Environmental Transit Hub is provided that has the potential to mitigate the overbearing traffic congestion problem on the primary highways of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. The report will consist of a brief description on why the team considered reviewing this issue with an explanation of the problem statement followed by an alternative analysis breakdown, constraints and criteria list, chosen solution with the inclusion of the location, the team’s respective scopes of work, codes and regulations that were followed, ethical considerations, design specifications, and references that were used for information. The primary scopes that were included in this paper are Transportation, Structural, Environmental, and Construction. The Transportation Section will include ridership analysis, trip generation calculations, route design, road layout in SETH, and the design of two new intersections. The Structural Section will include material design, gravity load distribution, framing plans, beam design, column design, and slab design. The Environmental Section will include energy saving strategies, solar power generation breakdown, roof layout design, roof drainage design, green roof design, and bioretention basin design. The Construction Section will include carbon cure research, a schedule for the project, site logistics plans, BIM models, and cost estimation for the total price of the project. The team excluded sitework, utility planning, geotech, and HVAC from the project but still took it into consideration. Appendices A and B are also included for further clarification on the previously listed topics.
