Faculty Publications | Anthropology | Santa Clara University


Submissions from 2024


Fighting erasure and dispossession in the San Francisco Bay Area: putting archaeology to work for the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, Lee M. Panich, Monica V. Arellano, Michael Wilcox, and Gustavo Flores


Reading Colonial Transitions: Archival Evidence and the Archaeology of Indigenous Action in Nineteenth-Century California, Lee M. Panich, Gustavo Flores, Michael Wilcox, and Monica V. Arellano

Submissions from 2022


Archaeology, Indigenous erasure, and the creation of white public space at the California missions, Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2021


Public Memory as Community-Engaged Writing: Composing Difficult Histories on Campus, Amy J. Lueck, Matthew V. Kroot, and Lee M. Panich


Serrated Triangular Arrow Points from Mission Santa Clara: Evidence of Colonial-Period Innovation and Regional Connections, Lee M. Panich and Mark Hylkema


Points of contention: Tradition, resistance, and arrow points in the California missions, Lee M. Panich, Mark Hylkema, and Tsim D. Schneider

Submissions from 2020


Students Are Stakeholders in On-Campus Archaeology, Matthew V. Kroot and Lee M. Panich


Representing Indigenous Histories Using XR Technologies in the Classroom, Amy J. Lueck and Lee M. Panich


“By the Aid of His Indians”: Native Negotiations of Settler Colonialism in Marin County, California, 1840–70, Lee M. Panich


Scaling Invisible Walls: Reasserting Indigenous Persistence in Mission-Era California, Tsim D. Schneider, Khal Schneider, and Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2019


Categorical Denial: Evaluating Post-1492 Indigenous Erasure in the Paper Trail of American Archaeology, Lee M. Panich and Tsim D. Schneider


Landscapes of Refuge and Resiliency: Native Californian Persistence at Tomales Bay, California, 1770s–1870s, Tsim D. Schneider and Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2018


Comment on “Contingent Persistence: Continuity, Change, and Identity inthe Romanization Debate” by Lara Ghisleni, Lee M. Panich


Death, Mourning, and Accommodation in the Missions of Alta California.In Franciscans and American Indians in Pan-Borderlands Perspective: Adaptation, Negotiation,and Resistance, Lee M. Panich


Mission Archaeology in North America, Lee M. Panich


The Archaeology of Native American Persistence at Mission San José, Lee M. Panich, Rebecca Allen, and Andrew Galvan


Native acquisition of obsidian in colonial-era central California: Implications from Mission San José, Lee M. Panich, Ben Griffin, and Tsim D. Schneider


Finding Mid-19th Century Native Settlements: Cartographic and Archaeological Evidence from Central California, Lee M. Panich, Tsim D. Schneider, and R. Scott Byram


The Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect in Tomales Bay, California, Lee M. Panich, Tsim D. Schneider, and Paul Engel


Special Feature Introduction: Indigenous Persistence in Colonial California, Tsim D. Schneider and Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2017


Roads, value, and dispossession in Baja California Sur, Mexico, Ryan B. Anderson


Heads or Tails? Modified Ceramic Gaming Pieces from Colonial California, Lee M. Panich, Emilie Lederer, Ryan Phillip, and Emily Dylla


A Reassessment of Archaeological Obsidian from Southern Alta California and Northern Baja California, Lee M. Panich, M. Steven Shackley, and Antonio Porcayo Michelini


Toms Point Archaeology: Investigating Native American History at Tomales Bay, Tsim D. Schneider and Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2016


Islands within an almost island: History, myth, and aislamiento in Baja California, Mexico, Ryan B. Anderson


The Missions and Camino Real of Baja California: A Binational View, Julia Bendímez Patterson, Antonio Porcayo Michelini, and Lee M. Panich


Investigating Native Californian Tobacco Use at Mission Santa Clara, California, through Morphometric Analysis of Tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) Seeds, Rob Q. Cuthrell, Lee M. Panich, and Oliver R. Hegge


After Saint Serra: Unearthing indigenous histories at the California missions, Lee M. Panich


Beyond the colonial curtain: Investigating indigenous use of obsidian in Spanish California through the pXRF analysis of artifacts from Mission Santa Clara, Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2015


Legality, race, and inequality: An interview with Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Ryan B. Anderson


Sustainability, ideology, and the politics of development in Cabo Pulmo, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Ryan B. Anderson


Deficient realities: expertise and uncertainty among tea plantation workers in Sri Lanka, Mythri Jegathesan


Mission Santa Clara in a Changing Urban Environment, Lee M. Panich


“Sometimes They Bury the Deceased’s Clothes and Trinkets”: Indigenous Mortuary Practices at Mission Santa Clara de Asís, Lee M. Panich


Exploring Patterns of Obsidian Conveyance in Baja California, Mexico, Lee M. Panich, Érika Moranchel Mondragón, and Antonio Porcayo Michelini


Expanding Mission Archaeology: A Landscape Approach to Indigenous Autonomy in Colonial California, Lee M. Panich and Tsim D. Schneider

Submissions from 2014


An Anthropocene Without Archaeology—Should We Care?, Todd J. Braje, Jon M. Erlandson, C. Melvin Aikens, Tim Beach, Scott Fitzpatrick, Sara Gonzalez, Douglas J. Kennett, Patrick V. Kirch, Gyoung-Ah Lee, Kent G. Lightfoot, Sarah B. McClure, Lee M. Panich, Torben C. Rick, Anna C. Roosevelt, Tsim D. Schneider, Bruce Smith, and Melinda A. Zeder


Anthropology and Open Access, Jason B. Jackson and Ryan B. Anderson


Mission Archaeology in North America, Lee M. Panich


Native American Consumption of Shell and Glass Beads at Mission Santa Clara de Asís, Lee M. Panich


Assessing the Diversity of Mission Populations through the Comparison of Native American Residences at Mission Santa Clara de Asís, Lee M. Panich, Helga Afaghani, and Nicole Mathwich

Submissions from 2013


From one place to another, Ryan B. Anderson


Savage Minds Interview: Kristina Killgrove, Ryan B. Anderson


Savage Minds Interview: Sarah Kendzior, Ryan B. Anderson


Cultures in Contact at Colony Ross, Kent G. Lightfoot, Sara Gonzalez, Darren Modzelewski, Lee M. Panich, Otis Parrish, and Tsim Schneider


European Colonialism and the Anthropocene: A View from the Pacific Coast of North America, Kent G. Lightfoot, Lee M. Panich, Tsim D. Schneider, and Sara L. Gonzalez


The Study of Indigenous Political Economies and Colonialism in Native California: Implications for Contemporary Tribal Groups and Federal Recognition, Kent G. Lightfoot, Lee M. Panich, Tsim D. Schneider, Sara L. Gonzalez, Matthew A. Russell, Darren Modzelewski, Theresa Molino, and Elliot H. Blair


Archaeologies of Persistence: Reconsidering the Legacies of Colonialism in Native North America, Lee M. Panich


Malcolm J. Rogers as an Ethnoarchaeologist: Reflections from Santa Catarina, Baja California, Lee M. Panich and Michael Wilken-Robertson


Paipai Pottery Past and Present: Evolution of an Indigenous Ceramic Tradition, Lee M. Panich and Michael Wilken-Robertson

Submissions from 2012


Opening Anthropology: An Interview with Keith Hart at Savage Minds, Ryan B. Anderson


Opening our anthropological conversations: An Interview with Tom Boellstorff, Ryan B. Anderson


Publishing without Perishing: Sharing Ideas & Challenging the Closed System of Academic Anthropology, Ryan B. Anderson


Obsidian Sources of Northern Baja California: The Known and the Unknown, Lee M. Panich, Antonio Porcayo Michelini, and M. Steven Shackley

Submissions from 2011


Anthropology & Open Access: An Interview with Jason Baird Jackson, Ryan B. Anderson


Franz Boas: Geographer/Anthropologist, Ryan B. Anderson


Landscapes of Wealth & Desire, Ryan B. Anderson


Negotiating history and attending to the future: Perceptions among and of Malaiyaha Tamils in Sri Lanka, Mythri Jegathesan


Collaboration and the Education of an Archaeologist, Lee M. Panich


Continuities in a Time of Change: Lithic Technology at Mission Santa Catalina, Baja California, Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2010


Tajik Male Labour Migration and Women Left Behind: Can They Resist Gender and Generational Hierarchies?, Mary E. Hegland


Missionization and the Persistence of Native Identity on the Colonial Frontier of Baja California, Lee M. Panich


Spanish Missions in the Indigenous Landscape:A View from Mission Santa Catalina,Baja California, Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2009


Open Access and Academic Publishing: An interview with Colleen Morgan, Ryan B. Anderson


The Prison Notebook: Lessons Learned Teaching Anthropology at San Quentin State Prison, David Reed Cohen and Lee M. Panich


Educating Young Women: Culture, Conflict, and New Identities in an Iranian Village, Mary E. Hegland

California Indian Uses of Natural Resources, Kent G. Lightfoot, Lee M. Panich, Tsim D. Schneider, and K. Elizabeth Soluri

Submissions from 2008

A Discourse of Complaint: Precursors to a Mass Women’s Movement in Tajikistan, Mary E. Hegland


Total Station Mapping: Practical Examples from Alta and Baja California, Tsim D. Schneider and Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2007


Native American Management and the Legacy of Working Landscapes in California, Lucy Diekmann, Lee M. Panich, and Chuck Striplen


Grossmutter lebt allein in ihrem Häuschen: Alte Frauen in einem iranischen dorf, Mary E. Hegland


Collaborative Archaeology South of the Border, Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2006


Archaeology for the Seventh Generation, Sara L. Gonzalez, Darren Modzelewski, Lee M. Panich, and Tsim D. Schneider

Iranian–American Elderly in California’s Santa Clara Valley: Crafting Selves and Composing Lives, Mary E. Hegland

Women of Karbala Moving to America, Mary E. Hegland


Public Interaction as “Culture Contact.”, Lee M. Panich and Tsim D. Schneider

Submissions from 2005


Interpretive Issues and the California Missions, Lee M. Panich

Submissions from 2003


Iran, Mary E. Hegland


Shi’a Women’s Rituals in Northwest Pakistan: The Shortcomings and Significance of Resistance, Mary E. Hegland

Talking Politics: A Village Widow in Iran, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1999


Gender and Religion in the Middle East and South Asia: Women's Voices Rising, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1998


Flagellation and Fundamentalism: (Trans)forming Meaning, Identity, and Gender through Pakistani Women’s Rituals of Mourning, Mary E. Hegland


The Power Paradox in Muslim Women’s Majales: North-West Pakistani Mourning Rituals as Sites of Contestation over Religious Politics, Ethnicity, and Gender, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1997

Mixed Blessing: The Majles -- Shi’a Women’s Rituals of Mourning in North-West Pakistan, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1995


Shi’a Women of NorthWest Pakistan and Agency through Practice: Ritual, Resistance, Resilience, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1992


Wife Abuse and the Political System: A Middle Eastern Case Study, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1991

Political Roles of Aliabad Women: The Public/Private Dichotomy Transcended, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1990


Women and the Iranian Revolution: A Village Case Study, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1986


Political Roles of Iranian Village Women, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1983


Aliabad Women: Revolution as Religious Activity, Mary E. Hegland

Ritual and Revolution in Iran, Mary E. Hegland

Two Images of Husain: Accommodation and Revolution in an Iranian Village, Mary E. Hegland

Submissions from 1982


"Traditional" Iranian Women: How They Cope, Mary E. Hegland