"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 39 Number 2, Summer 1997" by Santa Clara University



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6 - THE BEST TEST SCORE MONEY CAN BUY If you can afford it, taking a cram course can make a difference. But does a higher score indicate the breadth of your knowledge or just the thickness of your wallet? By Jeff Brazil '85

12 - THE FUTURE OF HISTORY MAJORS Studying the past can lead to present-day success. By Kathryn Bold '81

16 - BITTER HARVEST Researchers witness the impact of civil war, famine, and Islamic militants on life in a Sudanese village. By Susan Frey

Publication Date

Summer 1997


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 1997.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Robin K. Sterns (acting editor)

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 39 Number 2, Summer 1997



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