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10 - AROUND THE WORLD IN 500 DAYS How and why Mike Brozda stepped off the treadmill and onto the "road less traveled." By Mike Brozda

16 - TURNING OFF TV's MIND-SET Confessions of a "cultural heretic" who turned off TV and selected a different channel. By Mitch Finley

19 - ADVOCATE FOR THE UNDERDOG Peter Conk '71, as seen through the eyes of faculty friend and mentor, Father Tenny Wright, S.J. By Tennant C. Wright, S.J.

24 - LETTING GO A three-step lesson in the fine art of delegation on the way to becoming a leader. By Timothy W. Firnstahl

Publication Date

Spring 1987


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 1987.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Peg Major

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 29 Number 3, Spring 1987



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