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16 - RISE UP, MY LOVE by Brian Doyle. There are sanctuaries built for worship—and that carry beauty visible to everyone. Then there are the improvised places of faith, more subtle in how they speak to the wonder worked there.

18 - THE CHAPLAIN IS IN THE HOUSE by Jeremy Herb ’08 with Ppotos by Pat Semansky ’08. With the way things have gone recently in Congress, looking to the heavens for some help and guidance might seem like a very good idea. Enter Pat Conroy, S.J., M.Div. ’83.

24 - WELCOME TO CITIZENVILLE by Jim Cottrill. Who published the one book on government in 2013 that conservative firebrand Newt Gingrich told all true believers that they should read? Try Gavin Newsom ’89, California’s lieutenant governor and San Francisco’s former mayor.

28 - A BRIEF HISTORY OF ZEALOTRY Reza Aslan ’95 in conversation with three SCU scholars of religion—Paul Crowley, S.J., Catherine Murphy ’83, M.A. ’87, and David Pinault— about faith, politics, and how we talk about the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth.

32 - THESE THINGS ARE REAL Gerdenio Manuel, S.J., M.Div. ’78 talks with Ron Hansen M.A. ’95 about finding grace versus succumbing to the dark side, requesting the last seat on the Titanic, and answering a question all Catholic priests face: How can you live healthily as a celibate?

Publication Date

Winter 2014


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2014.


Santa Clara University, Periodicals. Universities and colleges, California, Santa Clara, Periodicals.


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Steven Boyd Saum

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 55 Number 2, Winter 2014



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