"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 63 Number 1, Summer 2022" by Santa Clara University



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16 - SHARED DREAMS Meet incoming University President Julie Sullivan, the first layperson and woman selected to lead SCU. Leslie Griffy

20 - BD KNOWS BEST Discovering who you really are, being grateful, and dinosaurs with BD Wong. Lauren Loftus.

22 - SWEPT AWAY Being homeless in Silicon Valley is particularly deadly. One professor explores why so many die in a land of such excess. Leslie Griffy .

28 - ON THE OUTSIDE A first-person account of being wrongly convicted, as told by Arturo Jimenez.

30 - BOOKED AND BUSY The secret behind the Hollywood success of so many Bronco women. Lucy Nino ’22.

34 - TRACING THE WOLF A tattoo as an act of reclamation reminds not only of one’s ability to survive but also of vulnerability. Maggie Levantovskaya.

40 - HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER? A lack of diversity among therapists creates an unhealthy cycle where people can’t find the help they need. Lauren Loftus and Tatiana Sanchez ’10 .

Publication Date

Summer 2022


Santa Clara : Santa Clara University, 2022.


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Leslie Griffy

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 63 Number 1, Summer 2022



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