"Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 62 Number 1, Spring 2021 [Print issue v.6" by Santa Clara University



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14 - VALUE PROPOSITION With more people going to college than ever before, how do we calculate the worth of a college degree? Lauren Loftus.

22 - HUMANITY IN THE HUMOR Santa Clara Magazine sat down with Assistance Professor Danielle Morgan to explore how laughter can be lifesaving—and life affirming. Leslie Griffy.

26 - TOMORROWLAND So really, what happens next? We chat with experts about how the pandemic could change our world as we know it. Leslie Griffy and Tracy Seipel.

32 - A BREAK Explore what you see when you step away from it all—and discover some flighty friends along the way. John Farnsworth.

Publication Date

Spring 2021


Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Law | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences


The print issue is incorrectly labeled as v.61 #1.

Santa Clara Magazine, Volume 62 Number 1, Spring 2021 [Print issue v.61:1]



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