"Discovering Santa Clara University's prehistoric past: CA-SCI-755" by Heather Bratt, Margaret A. Graham et al.

Research Manuscript Series

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Santa Clara, Calif. : Santa Clara University, Department of Anthropology and Sociology


The following report , brought together with great skill and insight by editors Russell K. Skowronek and Margaret A. Graham , provides a rich trovel of valuable information about what has been found there archaeologically and what it means. Some of this meaning reflects the kinds of lives people were leading in ancient times where students now cross over the Alameda Mall, and the very different kinds of activities people were conducting in those ancient times. Part reflects how these discoveries have already affected present-day consciousness, and what some of the changes have been in regard to public appreciation of the place. People who belong to the Ohlone Native American culture in this part of the state now have a feeling of connection with the Santa Clara University campus that did not previously exist. Many people in the area who reflect differing cultural backgrounds can now perceive the Ohlone association with the campus in a way that did not previously occur. Readers of this insightfully-written and richly-informed study of the campus ' prehistoric past can now enrich and deepen their own appreciations of the campus' remarkable heritage .

Part of

Research Manuscript Series; 12


Skowronek, Russell K.
Graham, Margaret A.


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