Research Manuscript Series
Document Type
Publication Date
Santa Clara, Calif. : Santa Clara University, Department of Anthropology and Sociology
This monograph, bearing the unpretentious subtitle "Evidence from the Arts and Sciences Building" stands as an elegant contradiction to all of those easy excuses. Russell Skowronek and his co-investigators have produced a report that stands not only as a template for what can be done with a modest data-set of ten prehistoric burials, but as a template for cooperation with the Ohlone descendants of those who, well over a millennium ago, carefully prepared their loved ones for eternity.
Working from ancient maps and city directories, Carlson and associates have produced a fine summary of virtually everyone who ever occupied what came to be known as Block M-13 of the City of Santa Clara. Hylkema moves from an excellent report on grave associated artifacts, to a sophisticated discussion of the growth of social complexity. With every burial radiocarbon dated (mostly by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry), the authors quietly proceed to a series of cutting-edge studies that are rarely, if ever, found between the covers of a single site report. Taken together, Wu's examination of mitochondrial DNA, Graham's study of prehistoric diet from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis, Pierce 's paleopathological investigation, and Oeh's reconstruction of the faces of the Ohlone, establish a new benchmark for what can be achieved with a small data set, and a smaller budget.
This volume stands as the valedictory of an archaeological program created virtually from scratch by Russell Skowronek. With fifteen monographs in print , and more on the way, Santa Clara University is the immensely fortunate recipient of a windfall profit far exceeding its modest investment.
Part of
Research Manuscript Series; 15
Skowronek, Russell K.
Pierce, Lorna C.
Recommended Citation
Graham, M.A., Hylkema, M.G., Oeh, K., Pierce, L.C., Skowronek, R.K., Wu, V., Carlson, R., Hendrickson, J., Noller, J., Rodriguez, V., Arrington, C., Bender, K., Brown, L., Kelly, S., Lee, J., McBride, K., Peritz, J., Preciado, P., Vendenbroeck, R. (2006). Revealing Santa Clara University's Prehistoric Past: CA-SCI-755 --Evidence from the Arts & Sciences Building Project. Santa Clara, Calif: Santa Clara University, Department of Anthropology and Sociology.
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