Conscientization from Within lo Cotidiano: Expanding the Work of Ada María Isasi-Díaz

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This essay explores the methodological contributions of leading ethicist, activist, and mujerista theologian Ada María Isasi-Díaz (1943-2012), for whom the category of lo cotidiano (‘the everyday’) is central. Her work on lo cotidiano begs a basic epistemological question: How does one think critically from the standpoint of the everyday? What does conscientization look like from the perspective of lo cotidiano? In light of such questions, I explore what I find to be one of Isasi-Díaz’s most significant, yet underdeveloped, ideas — her articulation of a ‘conscientized cotidiano.’ I expand this category further, drawing on the work of Agnes Heller, a major influence on Latin American and US Latina feminism, and John Dewey. Conversely, I show how Isasi-Díaz’s attention to issues of religion and gender serves as a constructive counterpoint to the work of these philosophers.
