Low noise front end electronics for dilution refrigerator experiments
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We have developed low noise voltage and low noise charge sensitive preamplifiers for use in dilution refrigerator experiments. The amplifiers use a JFET at 140K as the front end. Each JEET dissipates about 7 mW on the 4K heat sink. The flat noise of the voltage amplifier is 0.9 nV/Hz1/2, with the 1/f knee below 100 Hz. The charge amplifier noise is 500 eV with a total input capacitance of approximately 90 pF.
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Stockwell, W., Yvon, D., Aubourg, É., Barnes, P. D., Cummings, A., Da Silva, A., Ellman, B., Ross, R. R., Sadoulet, B., Shutt, T., Smith, G., Stubbs, C., Wang, N., White, S., & Young, B. A. (1993). Low noise front end electronics for dilution refrigerator experiments. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 93(3), 755–760. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00693508