"Toward an Ontology of Workarounds: A Literature Review on Existing Con" by Nina Röder, Manuel Wiesche et al.

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Conference Proceeding

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While workarounds are studied frequently in information systems research, a coherent and interrelated structure to organize the knowledge of the field is still missing. In this study, we provide a first step towards an ontology of workarounds in order to enable researchers to study the relationships among the core concepts. By identifying existing literature, we discover three gaps in workaround research: (1) lack of conceptual consensus, (2) fragmentation and (3) static perspective. To advance theory, we provide an overview of different types of workarounds that are frequently used in literature. Based on these findings we derive core concepts of workarounds that are used in literature and provide an ontology of workarounds.


2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

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DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.640



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